Chapter Five

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I couldn't stay focused on the bike I was currently working on. After Sparrow's father's unexpected visit she practically threw me out, she was frazzled and needed space. The problem was that I didn't want space, I wanted her close. And not just her body, although it felt so good to hold her and kiss her, I wanted all of her. Her mind, her spirit, her heart, and her soul. I wasn't sure when it happened, but I was so helplessly in love with Sparrow Williams it killed me to be away from her. I wiped my hands on my jeans, smearing the oil from the bike. "You've been at this thing all night, everything okay?" I looked up and Pierce set a beer on one of the tool benches, sipping his own.

"Everything's fine," I grunted and he shook his head as Slash came over.

"Seems like it," Pierce deadpanned and I shook my head, irritated at myself and this conversation.

"Look, I'm fine, don't you both have women to go home to?" I took a long sip of my beer before turning my back to them. They both had Old Ladies and children to go home to, why they were bothering me was beyond me.

"Yea, and so do you." I looked at Slash who folded his arms across his chest. "Dude, my old lady has been talking about it for weeks. I've had to hear more about you and Sparrow from Avery than I want to."

"Yea, and Harper just wants a new baby in the family." Pierce rubbed the back of his neck, stress clear on his face. Harper wanted a new baby but Pierce didn't want to have one yet, Harper wasn't happy. "So, why are you here and not with Sparrow?"

"Sparrow kicked me out, Sparrow hates me." I sighed, running a hand through my hair and over my face.

"She doesn't hate you, Sniper." Pierce patted my shoulder, "According to Harper, Sparrow's just mad at you. Mad that you left her, so why would you do the same thing now?" Both he and Slasher went to leave.

"Hey, Pierce," he looked at me. "Is the option to patch in still an option?"

"Always will be," I set my beer down and climbed on my bike, revving the engine as I headed towards Sparrow's house. I pulled into her driveway and everything in me went cold. Her front door was ajar and the lights were completely out, I grabbed the gun and flashlight from my bag, making my way to the house. I pushed the door open with my foot, the sound of it creaking making my heart clench. The living room was trashed and the kitchen was in worse shape, I walked to the hallway were I only stood hours ago, holding my Sparrow when a smear of blood made me feel sick. The flashlight illuminated a body and I was just glad it wasn't Sparrow's as a denim vest with a Venom's Creed patch. The bedroom door swing open and I couldn't describe the relief I felt as Sparrow's figure was lit up by the flashlight. "Birdy!" I held my hands up as I saw the small gun she was holding. "Birdy, it's me."

"Daniel?" Her voice shook and she set the gun in the nightstand as I tucked mine in my belt. I wrapped my arms around her, tucking her under my arm as I pulled out my phone and walked her outside.

"Pierce?" I took off my long sleeved shirt and pulled it over Sparrow's shaking body. "I need you at Sparrow's house."

"Is everything okay?" I looked over Sparrow's bruised face and clenched my hand around the phone.

"No," I breathed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Venom's Creed is back."


I let the water wasting my body as I stared at the white tile in Sniper's room at the club. I didn't want to think for a while, I just wanted to forget. When I went to med school I vowed to help people, vowed to save lives not take them. I could've been a damn good doctor, according to my professors but I wanted the thrill of an EMT. Now, I had done exactly the opposite of what I vowed. I tried saving both men I shot, one fled but the other died in front of me. The door to the bathroom opened and Sniper stepped in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He wiped the blood off my face and hands while I watched it go down the drain. "Daniel," I breathed, my voice still shaky.

"It's not your fault," his voice was hoarse and I could feel myself crying again.

"I killed someone," his hold tightened around my waist as my knees gave way.

"He tried to hurt you, Birdy." Sniper whispered but it didn't make me feel any better. "This is on me, not you." I turned in his grip, looking up at him.

"Why would you say that?" I asked and he sighed, leaning his forehead on mine.

"Because Venom's Creed," this time his voice shook and it dawned on me.

"They weren't there because of you, Daniel." His eyes met mine and he looked confused. "Please, believe me. They were not there because of you or the club. They were there because they wanted me to give my father a message."

"You're father?" Sniper shook his head, anger boiling in his eyes.

"He has an investigation out against them too, I guess." I shook my head, "They were hoping to scare me in order to scare him."

"Fucking bastards," he growled and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me.

"Please don't leave," I kissed his chest. "Please don't leave me again."

"Wasn't planning on it, Birdy."


"I'll get Cody to clean the halls and the bedroom before Sparrow comes back here." Pierce ran a hand over his face as Slasher and I wrapped the dead body in an old carpet. "You guys know where to get rid of him."

"This is all going to hell." Slasher and Pierce helped me pick up the body and we walked it to the back of my truck, it making a thud as we did. "Venom's Creed just needs to leave and stay gone."

"Agreed," Slasher wiped his hands on a cloth before handing it to me. "You'd think they would learn by now."

"Well, they're gonna learn." Pierce threw the keys my way and I drove towards a place to dumb the body... And to send Venom's Creed a message.

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