Chapter Ten

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"What's cooking good looking?" Harper hip bumped me as she set a container of stuffing on the picnic table.

"Nothing much, sugar." I smiled as I took a sip of my beer. "Happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving." Harper gave me a hug before taking a beer for herself. "So, how's Sniper?"

"He still sleeps on my couch." I sighed as Avery walked over and sat down. "He's still afraid to hurt me. He hasn't really touched me since."

"I feel bad for him." Harper and I both looked at Avery who sighed. "Sorry, I just do. He clearly wants you but feels like he can't have you. It's sad."

"Thanks, Captain Duh." I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. "When is Nova getting here?"

"Soon, Slasher went to go pick her up." Avery smiled as we watched Holden and Delilah. "My kid is throwing sand at your kid again."

"I see that," Harper laughed as Avery walked over to yell at Delilah. I sadness crept it's way into my chest as I watched Avery act like a mother. "You'll be a mother one day."

"Hard to see that when your man won't even touch you." I sighed, chugging my beer. "I don't know what to do, Harper. No matter what I say he just doesn't listen to me."

"Sniper is stubborn. He hurt you, Sparrow, he feels guilty. He doesn't know what to do to make sure it doesn't happen again. That's just how his mind works." Harper patted my shoulder as Slasher and Nova pulled into the compound.

"You're not my father! Stop acting like it!" Nova slammed the truck door as she marched into the club.

"What did you do to that poor girl now?" Avery sighed and Slasher huffed.

"Nothing!" He threw up his hands in defeat. "I caught her talking to some guy and told her to stay away from people like him. She got mad at me!"

"Well no shit, Sherlock." Harper rolled her eyes as Pierce wrapped his arms around her. "She's 22 years old, she doesn't want to be bossed around by her brother. Especially since she's graduating college." Nova changed her major again, she was a school counselor now. Only took her one more year than usual.

"But she doesn't need to be talking to boys!" Slasher growled and I rolled my eyes, setting my beer down and walking to find her.

"Would you just leave me alone!?!" Nova yelled at Cody as she folded her arms over her chest.

"I just want to know who the fuck that guy was?!?" Cody growled back, frustration clear on his face.

"It's none of your damn business!" Nova poked his chest. "You're the one who chose my brother over me. So as far as I'm concerned you can go fuck yourself!" Nova turned to leave but Cody gripped her wrist, trapping her in between him and the wall. He crashed his lips over her's, his fingers gliding into her purple hair. Nova wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned. I turned on my heel and walked back out, only to run into Slasher.

"Hey!" I smiled, blocking his path. "What are you doing?"

"Going to go talk to my sister." He looked confused as I moved in his way again. "What are you doing, Sparrow?"

"She doesn't want to talk to anyone right now." I shrugged looking at Avery with pleading eyes. "We should just enjoy the sunshine and let her cool down."

"What are you..?" Slasher stopped talking when Avery kissed him.

"Come on, let's go check on Delilah." She gave me a wink and I sent her a silent thank you as she pulled her husband towards the playground.

"Harper!" I gripped her arm and smiled at both Pierce and Sniper who looked confused. "I need to borrow her." I pulled her into the club were Nova and Cody were still kissing.

"Nova! Cody!" Harper yelled and they jumped away from each other. "Now, I'm one of the ones who want you two to be together but seriously? Slasher would bury both of you if it was him and not us that walked in." Nova had turned a dark shade of red but she smiled as she bit her lip. Cody was smiling too but he wasn't looking at the ground like Nova or at us, he looked at Nova only. "Now, both of you go outside. Nova give your brother some slack, he just worries about you. And you," Harper pointed at Cody. "You treat her right or I'll kick your ass." They both scurried off and I smiled.

"Even Nova is being kissed and she doesn't even have a boyfriend." I sighed and Harper shook her head.

"Okay, listen, snap him out of it." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Nothing I say..." She rolled her eyes and I shut up.

"I know this isn't the same thing as what happened with Pierce but he did basically the same thing." She shrugged as she looped arms with me. "I made it almost impossible for him to say no. So get Sniper to do the same. It's your job as Sniper's Old Lady to push him past his fears. So do that."

"I'm not his Old Lady, Harper." She hit my arm and I squealed. "Ow, what was that for?"

"If you honestly think you aren't that man's Old Lady your dumber than a pile of bricks." Harper sighed as Pierce wrapped her up in a hug.

"You two wouldn't happen to know why Cody and Nova are all of a sudden so happy, would you?" Pierce asked and both Harper and I laughed as Sniper came over.

"Not at all," I smiled as Sniper wrapped me in a hug. He gave my hip a little squeeze but didn't try to kiss my neck or 'accidentally' touch my butt like he had in the past. It irked me, made me annoyed as hell. I wanted to me wanted by he man I loved. And I'd be damned if it wasn't gonna change soon.

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