Chapter Seven

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I finished buttoning my navy pants and pulled my purple t-shirt over y head when Sniper walked in. "Wow, did you know there is this thing called knocking?" I rolled my eyes, slipping on my black boots.

"Wow, someone's feisty this evening. It's not like I haven't seen you naked, Birdy. I was in the shower with you." He shrugged with a cocky grin on his face. "Where are you going?"

"Work," I deadpanned as I stood and he pulled me to him.

"No you're not." He argued and I twisted out of his grip.

"I have to, Sniper." I grabbed my keys and phone, trying to walk out the door.

"You have people trying to kill you, Birdy." I gasped my wrist again, blocking my way to the door. "Call off sick."

"First, there by trying to kill me." I took my wrist back. "Second, I don't have the type of job where I can just call off sick if I'm not. And third, you don't own me, Sniper. You can't tell me what to do. I am going to work, whether you like it or not." I walked out of the room, anger seeping from me, and got into my car. My fingers were clenched over the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. I pulled into got the hospital, going straight to my locker and stripping from my clothes. I threw my t-shirt and pants into my locker, muttering angrily as I pulled on my uniform.

"Don't take it out in the poor clothes, what did they ever do to you?" Mattie chuckled and I glared at him, making him stop laughing. "What's up your ass?"

"Why do men have to be assholes?" I asked as I grabbed what I needed before we moth started walking to our bus.

"Not all men are assholes, you know?" Mattie sighed, leaning against the bus as I checked our supplies. "This about the same guy as before?"

"He's just so damn infuriating!" I slapped the gurney as I made up the sheets. "He seriously acts like he can tell me what to do! Just because he's seen me naked! We haven't even screwed!"

"Okay... Not sure what I just walked into but should I make sure the sheets are okay?" Mattie asked his goofy concern face making me laugh.

"Sorry," I sighed, folding the sheets less angrily.

"I'm sure the sheets understand." Mattie smiled with a shrug. "Listen, I don't actually want to know how he's seen you naked and you guess haven't screwed, sounds like a complicated story. But has it ever accord to you that this guy cares about you?"

"So?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and Mattie shook his head.

"Which means he probably just wants to protect you." Mattie shrugged, "I learned a long time ago that I couldn't tell you what to do and I respect that. But even I would start bossing you around if it meant your safety. You're my friend and partner, Sparrow. And if this guy knows you like I do, or better considering he's seen you naked, then he probably just wants to protect you. He just doesn't know how without bossing you around."

"When in the hell did you get a brain?" I asked and he laughed.

"Not sure," Mattie shrugged as one of the nurses waved and called his name with a flirty wink. "I really hate that I can't have sex in the ambulance."

"And old Mattie is back, we don't have to worry." I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. "Thanks, Mattie."

"Anytime, Sparrow." Mattie gave me a playful slug in the shoulder before going to check the syringes.

"So, Mattie," he looked at me. "When are you gonna start infuriating only one girl?"

"Yea, if that happens Hell with freeze over." He shook his head and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I can't wait for that to happen." I laughed, "Come on, there's gotta be one girl."

"It doesn't matter," he sighed. "She left a long time ago."

"Where'd she go?" I asked and he looked off into the distance, hurting filling his hazel eyes.

"New York City," he looked defeated. "Probably married some big time lawyer or stock broker or something."

"What was her name?" I kind of hated this girl now. She made Mattie look lost and probably made him a man whore. He was one of my best friends and I hated seeing him sad.

"Mercy Grace Wayland," he chuckled. "She hated her name, said it made her sound like a stupid hospital name in a movie."

"Wait, are you talking about Mercy Grace Wayland the supermodel?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Back when I knew her she was Mercy Grace Wayland from down the street, but yea." He rubbed the back of his neck. "She was my high school sweetheart, my first kiss, and at the time I thought we were in love."

"What happened?" I asked, feeling more than curious.

"She got it in her head that she wanted to be famous." He shrugged, "She didn't want to be stuck in a small town with someone like me. I was from the wrong side of the tracks and she was from the good part of town. She deserved better so when she got the opportunity she left and I let her go."

"Well why would you do that?" I huffed and he shook his head.

"Because I loved her enough to realize I couldn't give her what she needed." I felt my heart squeeze and sadness for my friend filled me. "I couldn't support her. I wasn't going anywhere special. I couldn't give her a comfortable life like she deserved. So I let her go. I loved her enough to realize I wasn't what she needed and she obviously didn't disagree. If she did then she wouldn't have gotten on that plane or ignored me 9 years."

"That sucks," I didn't have anything else to say.

"Yea, but I've gotten over it." He stood and walked to the front. I could tell he wasn't over it, over her. Matthew Smoke was still very much in love with Miss Mercy Grace Wayland. A part of me was sad for him and the other appreciated Sniper a little more. I hated that my friend was hurting and that girl better not show up anytime soon, I might break her if she did.

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