Lets be honest.

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Lets be honest mother...

You should have aborted me.

You should have suffocated me as a toddler.

Should have let me die when you gave birth to me because the truth is you don't care about me, you never did. All these years I knew you would never love me or care about me the way you do with my older sister, with your older daughter. I guess I hoped somewhere in your heart, you could love me? I was a fool to think that. You pushed the limits last night. I don't think I could ever forgive you for what you did, for what you said. You hurt me so much that I was bawling my eyes out while my friend was on video time listening to me break down. Listening to all the things I mumbled to myself.  I was saying things such as "if you didn't want me than why didnt you just abort me?" Mumbling that over and over again. I forgave you in the past to easily and I guess thats my problem... I forgive to easily. I let things go the next day but I am NOT doing that this time. This time you will come to me to say sorry. I will not be the one apologizing for something I didnt do. You sat back there and talked to father when he came in five minutes later like you did nothing wrong. Like you didnt just push me over the edge. Like you didn;t make ym depression swallow me up once more. Like you didnt FUCKING MAKE MY SUICIDAL THOUGHTS COME BACK. I hope you are proud of yourself. Proud of yourself that you made such a fucked up thing.

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