Chapter one

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X-ray hums softly to himself as he is lying on his stomach on his bed with his legs up

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X-ray hums softly to himself as he is lying on his stomach on his bed with his legs up. His feet slightly kick as he looks over the words on the page in front of him. He moves one hand so he can lower it from under his chin to gently trail his fingertips against the words.

Then there is a knock on his door making him jump.

He quickly shuts the note book then turns as the door opens.

Vav is standing there. "Another villain!" He says.

"Ok. Coming." X-ray responds and Vav moves away from the door. He turns back to the note book then hides it in his night stands drawer. He closes it then heads to join Vav in which they are soon dashing to go find this villain. They arrive a few blocks from where they live and they find the commotion the villain is causing.

The villain has messy grey hair, narrowed dark blue eyes and is wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a dirty lab coat as well as black skinnies with black runners. He has on his back some kind of solid backpack case. "Muwhahaha! Finally! My villainous plan is complete!" He manically laughs before continuing. "Soon I will send out a signal making all of your wireless electronics malfunction!"

"Not if we can help it!" X-ray says making people to turn to him and Vav who stand proudly.

The villain smiles at X-ray. "X-ray and Vav if I am not mistaken." He greets then licks a part of his top lip. "Oh my. If only I didn't enjoy being a villain I could have asked to take your hand." He watches X-ray. "But I'm afraid that a villain can't have a hero. Everything and everyone would work against us. It'll never work no matter how hard we try. It'll just bring trouble to us. So I must destroy you instead. Such a shame."

X-ray clenches his hands into fists then he moves to send a beam at the villain. He hits the villains chest knocking him backwards falling onto his back causing the thing on his back to break.

"No!!! What have you done!!!" The villain screeches sounding panicked.

"We win!" Vav says triumphantly then he turns to X-ray. "That was great!" He says smiling wide but his smile fades when he looks at X-rays face.

X-ray looks worried and sad.

"X-ray?" Vav questions making X-ray jump as if snapping out of his thoughts. He watches his friend turn to him. "You okay?"

X-ray looks back to the villain that the police are taking away. "Yeah... I need to go." He turns and dashes off ignoring Vav.

"X-ray!" Vav calls taking a few steps after X-ray before stopping as he also reached in the direction his friend went. He feels worried now as X-ray doesn't respond or even look back when he calls out to his friend. "What was that about?" He wonders to himself as his hand is in a worried fist by his chest now.

X-ray keeps going not really paying attention to where he is going. He raises a hand to wipe his eyes as they water a little. He finally skids to a stop finding himself in a field with some flowers like a garden but he pays no mind. "It can't be true... Could it...?" He questions himself. "I don't want it to be true." He whispers then after a few moments he closes his eyes tightly only to shake his head. "No. Please no." He clenches his teeth and brings a hand to grip his outfits chest part where his symbol is. "It hurts to even think about." He slowly releases his grip and his hands fall to his sides. He continues on walking needing a little more time to think this over.


Vav paces in Hildas lab where him, Hilda, Asha and Rusty are. "I just don't get it. Something's wrong but he won't tell me what it is!"

"Maybe he will in his own time." Hilda offers an idea.

Vav stops pacing and turns to her even though she isn't looking at him as she is working on something. "You obviously don't know him." He says. "If he doesn't say anything then he'll probably just hold it in! Even if he struggles to do so!"

"Well then what should we do?" Ash asks.

"We need to find out then confront him. It's our best chance at getting him to admit it." Vav tells her.

"What? You mean like following him?" Rusty asks.

"That's one way." Vav says in which everyone looks to him.

"But isn't that an invasion of privacy?" Hilda asks.

"It's for a good cause!" Vav says. "Come on! We need to find X-ray! We might miss something important that could help us solve this mystery!"

The others follow him as they head out to search for the other hero.... Though after a while of searching.... They don't seem to be having much success so far as they can't locate the other but they keep going not losing too much determination just quite yet.

After a while longer of searching they are about to give up for now.

"There!" Ash points spotting him.

They duck into hiding behind some nearby boxes and peer over them with their hands slightly on the top of them to watch as X-ray walks somewhere like he has a destination in mind.

"Let's do this." Vav says determinedly and he takes the lead as they sneakily follow X-ray.

X-ray keeps going but pauses by an alley way by some houses by the outskirts of town. He looks around himself as if looking for someone.

"Well hello my dear." A voice says as someone approaches X-ray who turns to him.

The four watching gasp in surprise at who it is.

"The Mad King!?!" Ashs mouth is a gap in shock as they instantly recognize the person that has approached X-ray.

"What does he want from X-ray?" Vav questions in suspicion.

"Shush. The only way to know is to listen." Hilda shushes them and they go silent to listen to what the two are going to say to each other.

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