Three Months Later...

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 The crew had all become well again after their experience in the house down the street but if you talked to them now they seemed much older than they actually were, like the house had taken away their childhood. Mercy had completely recovered but she still had reoccurring nightmares of what happened after she died on the cold, rotting, wooden floor of the old bedroom, she never told anyone what happened but she remembers it like she was being forced down into Hell holding the hand of Elizabeth, the reason she died with Elizabeth's father walking closely ahead. She cried out in agony as she walked down to the bloody gates of Hell. It was so hot she felt like her skin was melting off. But the memory slowly began to fade and the dream became less detailed.

Molly was fine except that she had to get ten stitches on her arm but had to lie to her mom and say that she broke a piece of glass and when she was cleaning it up it fell on her arm and cut it. Her mom didn't believe it but she didn't question her about it. Cara had a couple new emotional problems because she almost saw three of her friends die right in front of her eyes but didn't do anything about it. But of course, she never told her mom, as usual because the thought she could handle every problem thrown at her by herself. Which, in itself is kind of a problem but she managed pretty well, with her friends' help and advice, of course.

Sponker was fine he just hit his head pretty good when he was thrown which is why he was passed out for so long. Lefty and Flick were completely fine in every way but apparently Flick cried a lot when Lefty told her what was happening in that house then cried even more when everyone came back alive.

All of their parents still have no idea what happened to them that night, Cara's mom thought they were just going out for a walk (Which is what Cara's excuse was) and had snuck back into the house after she went to bed. The other parents didn't even know they left the house at all that night because when they asked how the party was the crew just said that it was fun and they watched movies and told ghost stories until they fell asleep.

After the crew got closer to their normal selves they told jokes more and became happier even though they would never fully return to their old selves they still made fun of Sponk's eyebrows, called Cara Sceenie Weenie, and yelled, "pinchy, pinchy!!!" out whenever someone said pinch. Yeah... the most eventful night of their lives were only known to them but never forgotten. 

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