3# Challenge

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2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.

It has been almost two weeks since Mamas games started.

And two weeks I have survived from her.

Such an amazement huh?

Reborn has been the same as always, I was a little saddened that he didn't say anything about the wounds he saw.

Maybe he didn't want to get involved?

It hurt to think like that, maybe I thought too much of Reborn? He was the most popular boy in our grade, also one of the strongest. It didn't really made sense of him to hang with out with me, I was after all, the losest class on the food chain in school.


I was snapped out of my thoughts, Mama put something in front of me.

I looked at it in curiosity.

A timer?

Mama smiled down at me, happy that I was curious. "Tsu-chan, it seems you don't know what we're doing today~!"

I looked up with wide eyes, a voice in my head was telling me to move away, run away from this place. "Is today important?"

Mama chuckles halfheartedly, "Yup~! Today's the day you're father admitted his love towards me~!"

I watched as Mama giggled childishly, blushing cutely.

I still couldn't believe that this was the same person who made me cut my hands, the same person who locked me in the dark basement.

She was like a different person in general.. (Maybe multi personality disorder?)

Mama ignored my confused expression, she turned her (Cold, emotionless expression) smile towards me. "How long can you old you're breath for? Ne, Tsu-chan..?"

I felt my insides twisting, I had a feeling that I knew where this was going, it was like a lighting bolt striking the ground. It hit me so hard that I almost flinched back in shock.


Mama's smile turned into a frown. "Tsuna." She began in a scolding manner, "I shouldn't have to repeat myself."

I shrank down, trying to hide myself. "I-I- Tsu-chan's sorry!"

I did not mean to revert back to 3rd person.

"Now..." Mama smiled, grabbing my thick brown hair. "...How long do you think you can hold you're breath for?"

I felt myself paling, dread filling my stomach. I couldn't help but think that maybe Reborn would come save me. I couldn't help but think that maybe even Dad would come save me.

I watched as Mama filled up the bathtub, ignoring me. I was sitting on the floor next to her. Ironic how this is the same way we would sit when I would take a bath.


"Alright Tsuna." Mama started as she pulled out the timer, "You have about 2 minutes in the tub. Underwater."

I breathed a mental sigh of relief. I could do 2 minutes.

It wasn't that bad.

Mama set the timer, I got in. Clothes still on of course. (I don't think Mama would make me almost drowned myself with no clothes on.)

Right before I put my head underwater Mama decided to speak, "Oh, by the way, If you survive these 2 minutes...." She paused smirking slightly at me, (Was she taking great joy in doing this or something?)

"We will keep going up by minutes until it comes to the point in where you cant handle it anymore..."

I gasped in disbelief, missing how the timer started. Mama noticed this right away, she reached over.

And for a moment, I thought she was going to take me out, hug and kiss me, telling me that she didn't mean it. That everything would go back to normal.

But nothing ever went how I wanted it too.

In a split second, I was underwater. (I didn't even get enough time to hold my breath...)

I could hear Mama laughing silently from where I was underwater, even if it was kinda muted out, I could still hear it.

It was like she was taunting me, like she was challenging me.

Okay then.


I accept her challenge.



I come up from the water with a gasp, my heart burning in my chest, my mind pounding. (It hurt.)

Taking deep gasps I barely heard my Mom telling me that I had about a three minute brake, until the next challenge.



I just accepted her challenge.

With horror, I almost leaped up. 'I'm accepting my new life.'



Yes I know, crappy chapter.

I'm tired and the people in my house wont go to sleep (AKA my roomish mate.)

So the next chapter will be kinda...better?

I duuno, but thanks for reading!

- Meopize <3

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