Chapter One: Breathe Life Into Me

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Author's note: I hope you all enjoy To Reach as much as you've enjoyed To Fall. Remember to vote so my story can be seen by others. I love you all !x

          It had been two weeks since Niall had left. Two weeks since the guys had begun piecing together messages and learning all that they could about his disappearance. Two weeks since she felt that her life had spun out of control and that she was drowning. Two long and painful weeks that she had nightmares of finding Niall dead.

            Sabella had returned to New York as originally planned since Harry was hoping getting her mind focused on school and away from problems would ease the pain. He would call her every morning and every night and text her throughout the day to lend her moral support and comfort. She came to rely on Harry’s constant interaction as it eased the terrible nightmares. She had let it slip about the nightmares the other night and Harry had insisted he come for a few days to be around for her.

            Today Harry was landing at JFK airport, just under two hours to be exact. He planned to spend a week with her, attending her classes and just being around. Sabella would be lying if she said that the gesture wasn’t appreciated. Even with the few friends and all the gang in New York she felt disconnected and alone because her heart ached and she was still very much a broken shell of who she was before she left for London.

            The good news upon arriving back in New York was that the gang had continued to run smoothly with her being in London. There were no issues and two she had left in charge were more than willing to hand over the reins to her once again as she was a tough shoe to fill. Sabella was currently combing through the shipment logs, the selling logs, and the managing the bills of the several dozen establishments One Direction owned legally in New York. She kept herself as busy as possibly throughout the day to ensure that she had almost no time to think of Niall or the pain she would feel once her eyes were closed.

            A pinging sound from her iPhone alerted the brunette that she had a message. Smiling despite herself she looked at her phone and found she was right in her assumption as it was Harry.

Just over one more hour of this boring flight before I get to come see you. Love you, sweet .x H

            Sabella laughed at the fact that Harry decided to sign his message. He was being undeniably adorable lately and it was causing her to shift and easily see what she had avoided seeing when she chose Niall. Harry was the right decision but she feared that should they fall apart she would lose him forever. As selfish as it sounds that was one of the deciding factors in selecting Niall over Harry. Niall, for as much as she loved him, was the fun, fiery hot choice. She knew in her heart that should Harry continue she’d end up in his arms, under him, and crying out his name.

Sabella replied to Harry’s message with:

Planes are not to be entertaining, Styles. I cannot wait to see you, too. I’ve missed you. Sx

            As soon as Sabella placed her phone down to finished paying the bills for the owned establishments her phone went off signaling Harry had replied. He would just have to wait until she was done handling all these payments before he would get a reply. She laughed out loud when her phone went off against signaling her had sent her yet another message, impatient was he.

“God, did Harry really have to leave London today?” Liam complained huffing.

“Liam, you know Harry feels the need to comfort Sabella. We kept Luke back in London to help so we should be solid. We need to keep activity like normal and I need to focus on the Scotland shit.” Zayn responded rolling his eyes.

“I’ll go meet with Luke and leave you hear to continue to try and ping a specific place of where that number would message Niall from.” Liam replied standing up to exit.

“That’s fine. This is a pain in the ass but I will crack it since now we have all the messages sent from the phone thanks to Harry splitting the work up with me.” Zayn chuckled flashing a smile at Liam before returning back to his laptop.

            Zayn refocused his efforts on his current issue, getting locations of the text messages down two a few block radius. This was the true pain in the ass part since it wasn’t live and he had to try and pull through the phone archive. He had the phone company hacked easily but actually being able to create a tracking pattern for Glasgow was proving to get under his skin. He drank some of his coffee before trying another few codes in order to get the information he desired.

“Harry!” Sabella squealed running into his open arms.

            Harry easily picked up the brunette and swung her around. He went to kiss her cheek but Sabella turned her head to force his lips to land on hers. At first, he froze not sure if she genuinely wanted this or not. When he felt her moving her lips over his he gave in and sucked on her bottom lip. It was the best welcome he could ask for and he was not about to complain.

“I’ve missed you, my love.” Harry murmured against her lips before slipping his tongue to conquer her mouth.

            Sabella sighed into the kiss and felt warmth spread throughout her body. Harry’s kiss was breathing life into her and she didn’t want him to stop. He made everything feel alright even if she knew it wasn’t. Harry was her stability, her constant, and she knew she took that for granted for years.

“I love you so much, Harry. I’m so sorry for always taking you for granted.” Sabella whispered leaning back to break apart their lips.

“Sabella, don’t.” Harry warned setting her feet back onto the ground.

“I mean it. You’re the one constant in my life and I need you to know how deep my love runs.” Sabella pushed as she looked him in the eye.

“Let’s get into your room, yeah?” Harry asked looking over her form to see her room.

            Sabella shook her head at his obvious attempt to avoid discussing the topic. She turned on her heel and walked into her room. Her dorm room was a single so she did not have to share with anyone and that was a good thing since she had far too much going on to have to deal with someone who would ask lots of questions. She reached her desk and sat in her chair facing Harry.

“Nice little accommodations, lovely.” Harry joked closing the door and leaving his bag to the side of it.

“It is quite nice, thank you. We can both fit in my bed, have no fear.” Sabella threw back with a smirk.

            Harry chuckled and sat himself on the edge of the bed facing her. He tilted his head to the side waiting for her to make her move. He didn’t really know what they would be doing or what she had planned for the day so he just waited.

“I have to run through some of the gang stuff and then we can go for dinner.” Sabella said answering Harry’s silent question.

“That sounds fine to me. I’ll just sit here and be creepy while I watch you.” Harry teased with a wink.

            Sabella grinned and turned back to her files. Harry had been with her less than an hour and she already felt better. He always did have this calming effect on her and now it was slamming into her how much she relied on him. She finished three of the shipment logs to find no discrepancies and moved on to the dealing logs. She couldn’t help but look at Harry to find him on his back leisurely scrolling through his phone, communicating with Zayn or Liam no doubt.

“I’m all finished. Let’s go have some Italian tonight.” Sabella announced standing up from her seat.

            Harry snapped his attention to her and sat up on the bed. He grinned and nodded before standing. Sabella reached to pull her pea coat from the chair to slip on. Harry raised his brow in silent question to which she nodded and proceeded towards the door. Harry followed her out and slung his arm around her shoulders. Things felt easier and less out of control in that moment and Sabella couldn’t have been more grateful for Harry. 

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