2~A Daughter's Dream

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A/N:  I know, I know, I said last chapter that I'd try to get a new chapter up every Friday.  Well that didn't work! Haha I'm sorry.  Seriously though, I'm sorry.  I will try to do better.

If you stood on the open roof at the dance studio on Front Street, you could see the Manhattan Bridge and in the distance the Brooklyn Bridge in all it's majestic glory.  It was a sight most cherished by those who danced there.  The studio was simple on the outside but bright and beautiful on the inside. It served as a shelter and an escape for Kelsea. 

Taze's black Camero roared away from the curve and left her standing in her flimsy but 'fashionable' sweatshirt with her dance bag slung over her shoulder.  Her face hurt and her ribs felt as if they were suffocating her lungs.

With a deep but careful breath, she adjusted her dance bag and walked into class.


Karla had them stretching for the past ten minutes.  She hadn't even gotten to warm ups.  Deep into her forward fold, Kelsea glanced up into the mirror across the front of the classroom and made eye contact with Suzie, her best friend since moving to New York .  Suzie made her world a tad  brighter, or at least more bearable.

Suzie scrunched up her nose in the mirror.  "Left splits, girls."

Kelsea scrunched up her nose back as the whole class transitioned into left splits per Karla's instructions.  Even something as simple as a nose scrunch made Kelsea flinch in pain.  She glanced down in part to straighten herself up in her split and in part to try to hide the cringe from her best friend, but no such thing ever happens.  When Kelsea once again met her friend's eyes in the mirror, a look of anger, disapproval, and disbelief was mixed with worry on the beautiful face that reflected to Kelsea.

She bit her lip and tried to ignore Suzie who was trying to descreetly ask if it was Taze again and why I was still with him.  Descreetly, however, is not in Suzie's dictionary.

"Suzie! Your attention please!"

"I'm sorry, Karla."

"That's time three for you, young lady.  Give me 80 at the back of the classroom.  Now!"

Suzie scrambled to the back wall where she dropped down to do her required pushups.

Karla always reminded her of a drill sergeant. She was so demanding and harsh. Kinda like Kelsea's "boyfriend". She absolutely hated Kelsea's mom for that one. What kind of mother puts her child with a brutal rich kid for her own good. She was really actually surprised Kelsea was allowed to come to dance class. She could just imagine Kelsea's mom saying it was a waste of money and time for a 'young prospective lady' who should be focused on 'money and rich suitors.' 

When her 80 pushups were done, Suzie joined the rest of the class who was finally actually dancing. A boy named Alan was doing a freestyle of 'We Don't Talk Anymore.' He was pretty good too.

Kelsea saw Suzie making a beeline for her and quickly tried to think of an excuse. Thankfully, Karla stopped her coming across the room with an outstretched arm. Without making eye contact, she told her she was next. Suzie took her place at the center of the room and Karla moved to the stereo.

'I Don't Care' by Fall Out Boy belted out of the player. Suzie's face transformed into one of serious concentration. She wasn't a very good freestyle dancer and Karla chose a hard song to dance too. Suzie was determined to do well.

Kelsea admired that about her best friend. She was strong. She didn't give up or give in. It was the opposite of herself. She was weak and scared. Right now she was also in pain. She just prayed Karla didn't give her a rock song. Maybe she wouldn't make her even dance freestyle today.

Luck was on Kelsey's side because after Suzie's dance, Karla barked for the class to get on the floor to rehearse a hip hop song for a dance off in the community. It was just something small among neighborhood dance studios and dance classes from schools nearby. Karla always told them to dance like they were dancing for the queen though.

So everyone got to the center and in formation for the dance as soon as Karl told the class to. The theme of the contest was love songs. Our song was 'Cold Water' by Justin Bieber and Major Laser. Karla put us in couples in three rows. Suzie and a boy named Carlos danced lead. In the row behind them Kelsea had to dance with another friend of hers-a boy named Dallas. He used to be Kelsea's neighbor in elementary school and they had been friends since. Suzie and him were currently together. Karla knew this but put Suzie with Carlos and Kelsea with Dallas anyway.

Suzie had mumbled and grumbled about that arrangement for weeks. It wasn't that she was scared Kelsea would steal her boyfriend but when it's a love song, couples should be together. It makes the dance better.

Everybody was in position when the song began blaring from the stereo. Karla started counting loud enough to be heard over the music. On 4 the dance began. Each of the dancers put their heart into it but Kelsea was not listening to the music. She was listening to the screams of her body and the trembling of her heart. She faltered once then twice each time mumbling an apology to Dallas who frowned at each stressed move she made. Just like Suzie, Kelsey could see the hate in his expression, the anger at whoever did this to her. She loved her friends. They cared so deeply, but that caring often got her in more trouble. When you lived her life, you had to be careful and not care at the same time. People were dangerous.

"Kelsea!!!! Listen to the music. Your moves are robotic! Convince me you mean it!"

Kelsey gritted her teeth. She could do this. Her head took up the silent chant, You can't. You can't. You can't.

She stumbled. Karla hit the pause on the music. She fell to her knees and stars danced before a creeping blackness. She heard her name.  Suzie and Dallas were at her side.


Hey guys!!! Sorry for the long time!!! I have no excuse. Just a bunch of stuff that got in the way, but it's good to be back!😊

Love you all! Kaylan xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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