The New Mechanic

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dedicated to haniyuuki93

The hot Kansas sun gleamed on the black top. Dean made his way to the garage, like he did every morning. His Uncle, Bobby, was by the front door sipping on a beer. He threw Dean the keys to a car that a customer had dropped off. Just as Dean was about to go check out the car, Bobby abruptly pulled him to a halt.

"I hired a new mechanic, he starts tomorrow."

Dean barely separates his lips and cocked his head, confused.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. It's not because I don't think you're good enough, it's because he desperately needed the job."

"Okay!" Dean sighed. "Just as long as he doesn't bother me, I'm cool with it."

Bobby sligtly frowned. "He's a quiet one Dean. Give him a chance."

"I work alone."

Dean walked out of the garage late that night. He wouldn't stop untill he had fixed the engine of that piece of crap car. Grease stained his hands. His muscles ached and he barely made it home before falling soundly asleep on his queen sized water bed.

The hot asphalt burned almost through the soles of his shoes as he parked his car and ran towards the garage. Dean, still in pain, was almost an hour late. He hasn't gotten much sleep, and forgot to take a shower. The sun was already almost unbearable. He wiped the forming sweat off off his forehead, smearing grease everywhere. Not looking where he was going, almost tripped in a pothole and was caught off gaurd by who he thought to be, was the new mechanic.

The pretty much perfect figure was bent over a muscle car. The one Bobby had called and told him about this morning. His light blue tee shirt was stained with oil. His denim coveralls were tied around his waist, keeping his shirt down, letting his back muscles become slightly visable. Dean couldn't stop himself, his eyes focused in on the new guy's perfect hips... And his ravishing hind-end.

Dean's breathing hitched as he finally snapped out of it. He walked over and had to sit down on the work bench for a few moments. "Wow..." He was very distracted, to the point where he barely got any work done that day.

The new guy was still working on the muscle car by closing time. Dean was in the corner, chugging his flask, when Bobby walked over.

"What has gotten into you? I hire a new guy and suddenly you don't want to work anymore?"

"That's not the case." He shut his eyes and leaned his head back on the wall.

"Then what is, idgit."

"He's a major distraction to my work."

Bobby laughed under his breath. "Mabye to your junk. But it shouldn't effect your work."

Dean banged his head against the wall several times.

"Here comes your wet dream now.." Bobby chuckled as the new guy came closer to them. "Hey, nice job today." Dean noticed the guy's crystal blue eyes and dark messy hair. He held his jacket over his crotch, hiding himself.

"Thank you. Is this... Dean? The one you told me about?"

Dean noticed his husky voice next. He almost melted right there when he heard the guy say his name. It was a sound that would haunt him, and ring in his ears at the worst possible times.

"Yes it is. Dean, this is Cas." Cas held his hand out to shake Dean's. Dean glady took the offer and shook his strong and gentle hand.

"Nice to meet you Cas." Dean said and let out a shaky breath, pulling his hand away.

"Nice to meet you as well Dean. I'm hoping to be just as good of a mechanic as you one day."

Intimidated by Cas's stare, Dean looked away. He compliment flattered him, making his cheeks pink. Dean had secretly fell head over heals for Cas, but anyone would say he was crazy if he admitted it.


Tools went flying. Cas stepped away from the car and crossed his arms. He was embarassed when he turned around and saw Dean looking at him. "Oh, hello Dean..."

"Hey Cas, need some help?"

"God no. I'm just frustrated!" Cas pressed. He leaned over the car again, and Dean stared, once again. Dean was completely enamored. In love with Cas's eyes, voice, mouth, cute nose, the way he walked... "A-alright. Tell me if you need any help."

"Okay Dean." Cas brushed him off like he was annoyed. It hurt Dean, but he didn't let it show. He was a complete mess for the rest of the week. Making stupid mistakes, grabbing the wrong parts or using the wrong tools. He was distracted from life. There was no way he could get back on track, he had completely fallen off.

"Bobby you need to get rid of him!" Dean was fed up with everyhing. He was crazy about Cas. They had only talked a few times all week, but Dean was so memorized by him. He couldn't sleep at night. He stayed up, thinking about him. And when he did sleep, he dreamt about Cas.

"What did he do? He might be the best guy I've ever hired!"

"He's no good. He's a distraction!"

"Dean, put your dick away for five seconds and actually work!" Bobby was stern, even on this topic. "If you can't figure this out, i will!"

"What are you gonna' do?"

"CAS? Get over here!"


Cas came running around the corner, his hair messed, his hands almost black. His tight fitting pants revealed his muscular legs. He flexed his arms as he put down the tools on the table. "Yeah Bobby? Hi Dean." It was the same way Cas said his name, almost a week ago.

"I think you and Dean should get to know each other, if you're gonna be co-workers."

Cas nodded. "I'm free tonight. It's friday so I'll probably stop by a bar. Dean can tag along if he wants."

"I think he'd like that," Bobby spoke for Dean.

"Why are you so quiet?" Cas looked at Dean. Bobby winked at Dean and walked away.

"I'm not quiet..."

"You never talk to me." Cas crossed his arms. "Do you not like me or something?"

"No, i do like you." Dean smiled shyly.

"I'm taking you home with me if you don't mind."

"Why would i mind? You're hot- uhh a good mechanic.."

Cas smirked. "What did you just say? You're hot too by the way..."

Dean looked down at his feet, embarrassed. "T-thank you..."

"Oh, and I've noticed you staring at my a$$..  So, wanna go on a date?"

"Hells yeah! And Cas... stop bending over cars and distracting me."

Cas snorted. "You noodle." He fastly kissed Dean. Dean finally took his chance to grab Cas's perky little butt.

'Thank you Bobby," Dean thought as he kissed Cas harder.

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