~Gabriels pov.👼~

It had been three weeks since Sam had said anything to me.....I don't know what his problem is we weren't even fighting this time he was upset for a she, but he at lest talked to me a bit.

Not a very good way to keep a relationship going.

He was being a jerk, but I don't know why, and I never said anything about it either!

I sigh

Mumbling to myself, "I hate this....."

I miss my Sam I think I might be getting a bit desperate maybe I should by him flowers and show up randomly with a grand romantic gesture......no......well.......maybe............nah..... Actually I'll keep that one in mind.

Well we did have sex not to long before he acted like this maybe somehow he got pregnant and this is some sort of grouchy faze.....wait no......I was bottom...
I opened yet another lollipop.
I decided that I would I would just keep it simple and try and talk to him.


~Sams pov👩~

I sat in my room at a motel, Dean would've been there if I hadn't run away again. He kept calling but I keep ignoring.

I really miss Gabe.....my Gabriel...well he was my Gabriel now he is just Gabe.....
I broke up with him about three weeks ago, I regret it, I still hurt so much.....I love Gabe.....that's why I did it.

I tell my things like how
I'm not worthy of him
He could never love a stupid person like me
The boy tainted by demons
I raised Lucifer started the apocalypse.
So many angels and people are dead because of me.
......I'm so stupid.......

All of a sudden there was a know clue on the door smashing my train of thought. It was Gabriel...... great.....


"Only Dean calls me that.....your not Dean. What do you want .Gabriel."
I spatt his name like it was poison.
He looked hurt by both what I had said and how I said is name.....it hurt just to see his face.

"I uh.....just wanted to talk......wanted to know why you won't speak to me.....Sam? What's wrong.....is it something I have done?"
Gabriel looked scared after he said that. Then he mumbled, "please don't tell me I hurt you....."

I got so mad I could've screamed and cried.
Instead I chuckled.

"Sam?....please......talk to me"

"Y-You know what my problem is as some people say. It's you and me.......I love you with all my heart, that just makes me an idiot. You don't love me back you say you do you try and prove it but hey it's all a lie you could never feel the way I do.
No one. Could ever. Love. Me. Gabriel.
The boy with the demon blood.
The man who freed Lucifer, started the end of the world.
I'm a disgrace and a burden and nothing you say will ever change that."

Tears weld up in my eyes. Gabe had the same issue.
He started to say something but stopped he seemed deep in thought.

I huffed and marched out the door. .  Alone.

I'm working on a knew fic for u guys.     CRYING YET!... no....well u will.....trust me writing this u cried well the next chapters I mean not this part.....

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