~Gabriel's pov.👼~

"But......but i-i healed him......"

I checked his pulse, it was barely there......thank dad. He only passed out.

I took this time to try and  clean his wounds. I finished in about 30 minutes. Then I carried him to his bed....it was pretty difficult since he was practically twice my size, but i managed.

I went and picked up Sam's bloody dagger.....and read the little note.

          My name is Samuel Winchester.
Everyone calls me Sam.
This is my note. I thought I wasn't worthy of life...so I ended mine.
I cut up my wrist three for every name I have been called or called myself.
You can guess the real way I died from the knife in my chest. I'm sorry to my family. But I hate who I am. Guess my good bye is a bit late.

         Sam Winchester.

Another tear rolled down my face. How could someone so beautiful, so kind, so....perfect do this to themselves. It hurt to think about.

I picked up my phone, and dialed Dean's number.

"Hello?" He said.

"Heya Dean......umm.....I don't know how to tell someone this over the phone so....just come hear. I'm at the motel with Sam."

"Uh, ya sure be there soon......


~Deans pov.👨~

I opened the door. Sam was asleep in his bed, and Gabriel......he was crying....there was a small duffle bag on the floor next to him.
I closed the door behind me and noticed he had blood on his shirt and hands.

"Uh.....Gabe? You....uh.....you okay?"

The angel shook his head and pointed to Sam. I looked at my little brother he seemed fine.
I turned back to Gabe.

He leaned over and pulled a bloody dagger out of the bag and handed it to me. I read the note. I began to franticly search for Sam's wounds.

Gabe said, "I-i already healed them all...... He wanted me to just let him die. He passes out as I was helping him."

Hey sorry it's short but I got you another chapter

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