~Gabriel's pov.👼~

Castiel had leafed about 5 minutes ago. I was still crying slightly. I was going to try again with Sam.
I walked silently to his motel room I knocked.....

No answer.

I opened the door easily. Wierd the usually lock the door I thought Sam wasn't there, but the bathroom light was on.

I went over to the door and called out Sam's name.........all I heard was a weak quivering breath.

I looked inside........
My eyes widened in horror. Tears weld up in my eyes again.....

"Sam....." I breathed.

I rushed across the small room the the boy, snatching the razor blade from him throwing it to the toilet.

Sam shivered. "G-gabriel? W-why..... you......you should just let me DIE!!!"

Tears rolled down his face, and blood from his wrists, and thighs.

I sobbed, "n-no Sam. Never Dean, Cas, Bobby, everyone would hate me if I did.....and i-i would w-want to slit my own throat."

Sam barely managed, "p-please Gabe....the pain.....it-its nice......I'm.....I'm sorry Gabe but I don't want to live anymore."

One of Sam's arms sunk behind him. I didn't pay attention to it, I was getting up to find bandages.

Sam gasped loudly.

I whipped around to see the worse possible thing.....

Sam had plunged a small dagger into his stomach.
Blood spurted on the shower walls. I screamed his name.
"SAM!!!!!NO!!!no nonononooooooo this can't be happening...."

I dropped the bucket of supplies, and grabbed Sam. I pulled out the blade noticing a note hanging from it.

I ignored it, and tried to heal Sam. He attempted to push me away but couldn't. I wasn't about to let him die.

Sam's body fell limp.

Sorry guys....CLIFF HANGER!!!!!


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