Chapter 3 Dates and Nightmares

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Nialls pov.

I woke up to the sound of someone throwing up. It must of been Kylin since she has never drank like she did last night before. I rushed in to her room and I saw Emma sound a sleep in bed. I walked in to the bathroom and saw Kylin throwing up int the toilet. I grabbed a hair tie off the counter and attempted to tie her hair back. I rubbed circles on her back as she continued to get sick.

"Thanks Niall." She said.

"You shouldn't have drank so much last night." I said.

"Yeah I know I was just having fun and I wanted your friends to like me I didn't want to seem like a wimp." Ky said.

"Come on lets get you cleaned up." I said. Ni will you get me some Advil I have blasted head ache." Kylin asked.

"Sure love you can go lay down in my bed since Emma's in yours." I told her.

"Alright thanks Niall." Kylin said heading into my room.

I went downstairs, Liam was making pancakes like did every Tuesday morning.

"Morning bro." He said.

"Morning. Wheres they Advil Ky is pretty hungover. She was throwing up a few minutes ago."I explained.

"Awe poor thing. It's in the cabinet over the oven." Liam told me.

I grabbed the Advil and brought it up to Kylin she took it feel back a sleep.

I went down stairs and ate some of the pancakes Liam made. "Hey guys is Kylin down here she wasn't in our room." Emma asked.

"She's in my room she is pretty sick from drinking so much last night." I told Emma.

"Oh Alright." Emma said.

After I finished my breakfast I went up stairs to check on Ky.

I got up to my room and Kylin wasn't In bed any more. I walked into my bathroom to find Kylin brushing her teeth.

"Did you get sick again?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said after she finished brushing her teeth. I helped her back in bed and laid down next to her pulling her close. I turned on the Hunger Games and Kylin rested her head on my shoulder. After the Hunger games was over I laid down next to a sleeping Kylin and wrapped my arms around her and shut my eyes.

Liams pov.

I was getting ready for my lunch date with Emma. She came down wearing skinny jeans and a cute elephant sweater. Her hair was curled and she had a bit of make up on nothing to heavy just a bit of eye shadow and some mascara. She looked stunning.

"You look great." I said complimenting her.

"Thank you." She blushed.

"We should get going I'm stating to get hungry." I said.

"Alright where are we going for lunch?" She asked.

"Panera Bread." I answered.

"Sounds great!" Em said.

We drove to Panera and headed in to the restaurant I ordered a chipotle chicken panini and Emma ordered frontega chicken panini. There was a few fans in the restaurant who asked me for a picture they were really sweet about it and apologized for interrupting. The crowd stared growing larger by the time we finished food came there was paparazzi and fans everywhere. I could see Emma on her phone she looked very upset.

"I need to use the bathroom I'll be back." She said.

She had left her phone on the table and I caught a glance at it . She had her twitter open and was scrolling though her news feed over half of the comments were horrible calling her fat, ugly and a slut. I picked up her phone and rushed into the bathroom to find Emma crying.

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