Chapter 9 Sick and Storms Part 1

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Perries pov.

I fell warm. No hot. And dizzy. And nauseous. I sat up slowly. The nausea worsened. I was going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

"Perrie are you alright?" Zayn asked walking into the bathroom.

"I think so.." I stuttered slowly getting up.

I took a few steps then got very dizzy my legs collapsed under me. Zayn caught me before I could hit the ground. He picked me up and carried me back to bed.

"Pez your burning up." Zayn said putting his hand to my forehead.

"Honestly I feel awful." I groaned.

Zayn walked into the bathroom and came back with a wash cloth a glass of water and some nausea medicine. He handed me the glass and nausea medicine and I took it. He placed the cold wash cloth on my forehead. He pulled the covers over me and gently kissed me on the tip of my nose.

"Thanks Zayn your the best." I said.

"I know. Get some rest babe." Zayn chucked.

Eleanors pov.

I woke up feeling ill. My head was spinning I felt like I was on a carnival ride and just thinking about food made me sick.

Louis walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"El are you all right you look really pale?" Louis asked.

"No. I'm not. My head is spinning and thinking about food makes me sick." I said.

"Do you want me to make you some tea?" Louis asked.

"Sure thanks Louis." I said as he walked out.

Niall's pov

I walk up the stairs heading back to my room with some food. A little thank you to Kylin for yesterday.

"Hey Kylin I brought you some breakfast and some orange juice." I said setting the food down next to her.

"Niall get the food out now." she groaned.

I grabbed the tray and set it in the hall.

"What's wrong Ky? Are you sick?" I asked.

"I'm not sure I woke up around 6 this morning and really was dizzy and nauseous." She told me.

"Why didn't you wake me up."I asked.

"I didn't want to wake you up you were sleeping so soundly." Ky said.

"I don't care next time you aren't feeling well wake me up I don't care what time it is. Can I get you anything though?" I asked.

"No thanks Ni. The thought let alone the smell and sight of food makes me sick." She said.

I crawled in bed, wrapped my arms around her and brought her close. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and fell back asleep with her in my arms.

I woke up with Kylin in my arms. I then headed down stairs to get some breakfast for the second time.

"Morning Niall." Louis said.

"Morning Lou." I said pouring a cup of coffee.

"Is Kylin still asleep?" Louis asked.

"Yeah but she isn't feeling well. What about El?" I said.

"She was very pale when she woke up this morning I'm making her some tea now." Louis said.

Zayn came running down the stairs.

"Do either of you know if anyone has any cold medication?" Zayn asked.

"Liam probably does. Why?" I ask.

"Perrie is really sick she almost passed out she is so weak." Zayn said.

"Wait so we know that three of the girls are sick. Do you think they ate something bad?" I asked.

"It doesn't sound like food poisoning though." Louis said.

"Louis can you call your mum maybe she knows what it is being a nurse and all." I suggested.

"I'm going to go check on Liam and Emma to see if Emma is sick too." Zayn said.

Emma's pov

I wake up and lift my head the room is spinning in circles and it is extremely hot. I sit up and wait for the dizziness to stop. I walked clumsily to the bathroom. I turned the sink on and splashed cold water on my face. I smelt food down stairs and instantly I knew I was going to be sick. I rushed to the toilet and threw up. I started to feel weaker and even more dizzy. I tried to stand but I fell back down onto the hard marble floor.

"Emma! What happened you look so pail and sick." Liam said worried.

"Maybe because I am." I said.

"Your burning up I'm going to get the thermometer." Liam said.

"Really Liam you brought a thermometer?" I coughed.

"Yes." He snarled.

Liam came back with the thermometer in his has and placed it in my mouth. We waited a few minuets and then he took it out and checked then temperature.

"Oh. wow."Liam said.

"What is it? It is bad?" I asked.

"You have a 103 temperature." Liam said.

"No wonder I feel like sh!t." I said.

"Get into bed i'll get you some medicine." Liam said.

I got up slowly and started making my way back to bed trying not to collapse. A crack of thunder sounded and I could feel my legs giving out from underneath me. I hit the floor as everything goes black.

A/n: Here is part One Part two will be upsoo I hope :) Thankyou guys for putting up for me though my little absence :) (I HATE SCHOOL!!! ) I will try to write longer and faster !!!

xoxo - JordyN

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