Chapter 2 You Remebered?

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Chapter 2

Kylin's pov.

I hear a familiar voice talking to some boys one Irish one British. "Emma? " asked as I opened my eyes.

"Oh my god Ky you're awake." She said as her eyes got all glassy looking like shes about to cry.

I look around the room when my eyes met Niall. My jaw dropped  I was in shock.

"Niall." I said as tear slid down my face.

"Hey Ky." He said. 

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Wait where are my parents!" I asked starting to panic.

"Liam, Paul can Emma and I talk to Kylin alone?" Niall asked them.

"Sure Ni. Good luck." Liam said.

"Thanks Li." Niall said as the left the room.

I look over to Niall he's crying and looking at the floor.

"Niall please just tell me." I said.

"I'm so sorry Ky your parents didn't survive the crash." Niall said giving me a sympathetic look.

I sat there in shock my parents were dead.

"Ky please say something." Emma pleaded.

"Don't know what to say Em my parents are dead." I shouted through my sobs!!

Emma stared at the wall with tears sliding down her cheeks. She has been through a lot too today and I shouoldn't of lashed out at her.

"I'm sorry Em I'm just freaking out." I said.

"Its alright. I'm going to go get something to eat." Emma said leaving me and Niall alone.

"Kylin I'm so so so sorry I never called you or contacted you I got focused on my music and I guess since I was famous you wouldn't want anything to do with me." Niall said.

"Wait you thought I would not want anything to do with you? I thought you wouldn't want anything to do with me! Because you were famous now!" I told Niall.

"Can we just forget it all happened?" Niall asked.

"Sure come here" I said and pulled Niall into my bed so he was sitting next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I can't believe you broke the same wrist as when you were ten!" Niall laughs

"I was eleven." I complained!

"You were not it happened around lunch time and you were born at 1:05." Niall said.

The smile on my face faded and tears slipped down my face.

"Ky are you OK ? Is it something I said?"

"No, its just.... I didn't think you would remember that day let alone what time I was born. " I said.

Niall pulled me into a hug.

"Kylin I know we haven't seen each other in a long time but I still love you and I still think of you as my little sister." He said.

"I'm not that much younger than you! Your birthday is on the 13th mine is on the 29th! " I said.

"Well your still only like 5'6" I'm 5'9" which is three inches taller than you and that makes you my little sister!" Niall said making fun of me.  I rested my head back on Nialls shouder s someone walk into the room.

"Uck get a room you two!" Louis said.

"Hey Louis." Niall said.

"You must be Kylin." He said.

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