ch. 10 luckiest girl in the world

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We got back to the house and I sat on the couch, Nathan sat next to me and the boys sat around to.

I opened it.  It was a small note. 

'To megan, If anything ever happens to us go to this address and tell the man who you are and who your parents are, love you always mum and dad.x''

I looked at the back of the page where the address was.

I handed it to Nathan and he read it aloud while I sat their confused.

When he finished he asked, '' Do you want to go their before we go to America tomorrow/''.

''Yea, sure, we'll get it out of the way as soon as possible''.

As I was thinking about why they gave me this address to go to, Jess burst through the door into the house dragging her suitcase along with her.

Nathan spoke, ''oh, all the girls are staying the night so that we can all go to the airport together''.

I hugged Jess, ''Well thats good because I NEED HELP!''.

''Help with what?'', Nathan asked.

I turned to Jess desperately, ''I havnt packed yet and I dont have a suitcase''.

''calm down it's fine''.

she dialled a number, ''Lauren, Hey it's Jess,  do you by any chance have a spare suitcase?...It's for Meg,...OMG , you're a star''. She hung up.

I looked at her and she spoke to me relieved, '' She has a spare suitcase, she'll be here in a half hour, c'mon, lets go sort out the clothes that you're bringing''.

we giggled, we were such girls.

Nathan coughed and I looked back at him. He spoke, ''I think theres something we should tell everyone''

''you tell them'', I was a bit nervous as to what they would say.

He turned to the boys, ''emmm, well, me and Meg are...well....together''.

They sighed with relief, ''It's about time'', Jay said sarcastically.

They all laughed and Max spoke,'' I thought you were going to tell us that she's pregnant or something!''

Everyone laughed then I got serious, '' I need to go sort out some serious matters boys''.

Me and Jess went to my room, she shouted when she came in, ''They havn't even got you a bed yet?''.

I laughed, ''It's fine really''.

We sorted all the clothes I was gonna bring into piles.

The Lauren and Raven came through the door, leaving their suitcases downstairs. Lauren gave me her spare suitcase and I thanked her. Alice, Sinead and Char arrived together and they came to my room to. It was like a massive girl gathering. I told them about the note my mum and dad left me.

They didn't know what to think, Sinead smiled, '' It might be a truckload of sweets and you get half of it''.

we all looked at her and gave her the ' WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT' look.

Ravens suggestion was a bit more realistic, ''maybe it's the house or something''.

''Probably, me and Nath are going down their in the morning anyway to find out''.

Just as we were talking we heard a loud crash, thump then laughter.

We ran down  the stairs to find Jay sprawled out on the floor in an awkward angle with the suitcases collapsed around him. The boys were in the doorway laughing their heads off.

ch.1: The boy who saved meWhere stories live. Discover now