ch.7 I just want you to know who I am...

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The next morning all I could hear was, ''MEG,wake up''. My eyes opened and I stretched, ''morning'', I yawned.

He had a tray and put it on the table in front of me, it was breakfast, ''ah, you didn't have to do that''.

''It was my pleasure'', he winked.

''o wait nath, I'm really sorry ,but I'm a vegetarian''. Their was sausages, bacon, pudding but atleast their was eggs and toast to''.


''yup , now look, you've learnt something new about me already''.

He laughed as we shared the breakfast, obviously he ate the meat.

''where is everybody?'', I asked looking around.

''well, Siva went back to Ireland so he  got a plane at about 3 this morning, and the rest of the boys left about an hour ago''.

I nodded. I looked out the window ,it was a nice day.

''Is that your car?'' I pointed out the window.

He went red,'' yeah, but I can't actually drive''.

I rolled my eyes, ''why am I not suprised''

''That's why we're getting the bus''.

I looked at him, ''o no we're not...because I can drive!'', I took my licence out of my bag and showed him.

''something else I didn't know about you'', he smiled.

I got up, made myself look presentable and we left. Nathan giving me directions as we drove. After  two hours of driving we got to his house. I turned the car off and took a deep breath.

''are you nervous?'', he asked jokingly.

I looked at him, ''Yea, kinda, I just hope that they'll like me''.

He gave me a hug,'' they'll love you, don't worry!''.

I automatically felt better. we got our bags but before we even got to the door his mum came running at him,''o,nathan, my baby, i've missed you so much'', he went red as she squeezed his cheeks and hugged him to death.

''emmm, mum, this is megan,me,ehhhh,friend''.

''helloo, it's lovely to meet you megan come inside'', she hugged me then ushered us in the door.

His dad was in the hall and shouted, ''ahhhhhhh, it's my long lost song and his girlll-''

''friend'', nathan interupted him.

his dad turned to me, ''megan isn't it?,Nath has told me alllllll about you!''.

''dddaaaaddddd'', nathan groaned embarrassed.

he spoke again,''less chitchat, I have an appointment with the TV''.

Nathan smiled but then looked at me.

''we don't have to watch tv if you don't want to, we can go do something else if you want'', he asked.

''whats on?'', I asked.

''the match''

I jumped, ''OMG, I completely forgot, man u and city, TAKE ME TO THE TV''.

he was so shocked, ''you like football?''.

''live for it, wait a sec''

I pulled out my man u jersey and threw it on. 

He laughed,'' wow you're gonna get on well with my dad''.

''lets go nathan, where's the tv?''

I looked around frantically. he led me to a room that was covered in frames and pictured of nathan and what looks like cousins,aunts and uncles.

we were watching the match and I got caught up in it, ''C'MONNNNN, WHAT'S HE DOING?''. I was nearly shouting ,thankfully , nathans dad was exactly the same. Nathan was kinda getting into it but kept laughing at me instead.

he spoke to his dad at half time,''I think you've found a new best friend dad!''.

he laughed,''it's a rare and hard thing, to find a woman who know's what offside is!''.

we were taking a bit of our drink when his dad spoke again,'' yup, she's the one to marry Nath'', he winked and me and nathan choked on our drinks nearly coughing to death.

we didn't say anything until the match started again, 20 minutes into the second half and rooney got a goal. 

I specifically rememberjumping up with Naths dad shouting, ''ROONNEEYYYYYYY, ROONNEEYYYYYYY''..

When the match finishedNath was chatting to his dad so I went to the kitchen for a drink.

his mam was in their making dinner, ''do you need any help?, I smiled at her.

''no love, you're ok, nearly done anyway''.

we started to chat about everything. I knew she wanted to know about why I'm staying with the boys and everything. She told me she knew my brother a bit from Nathan . She was really sorry for me and gave me a hug. I didn't want to let go, it felt like a mothers hug. 

It felt like my mam again.

''If you ever need anything I'm always here'', she squeezed my shoulders.

She was so lovely. As lovely as Nathan.


Don't get me wrong, I love my mum and dad. but they were reallyyy embarrassing me, i know they don't mean it.

I am also absolutely shocked and amazed that meg loves football. She's crazy, shouting at the tv and everything. Something else I didn't know about her. 

I was chatting to my dad when she left.

He grinned at me,'' you like her more  than a friend don't you?''.

I let out a defeated sigh,'' more than ANYTHING!, she's just so stubborn it makes me want her more''.

It was weird talking about this stuff with my dad.

''Nathan, she's a lovely girl, and sometimes, opportunities are literally once in a lifetime, you're young...make the most of it''.

He did give good advice, but  I doubt it would work on her. I went into the kitchen. Meg was walking out while talking to my mum, they were laughing at something, atleast they were getting on well.

she saw me, ''emmm, I'm gonna go for a shower''.

I winked at her, ''can I join you?''

''NATHAN!!'', meg and my mum said together while my mum smacked me with the tea towel.

I put my hands up, ''i'M JOKING , CHILL WOMEN''.

I couldn't help but laugh as the two of them rolled their eyes at me.

Meg went to the shower and I chatted with my mum, ''she's a lovely girl nath, I can't believe you're only just friends'', she gave me a knowing look.

''Really, first dad and now you?, is it that obvious that I like her'', I put my head in my hands.

Why do parents always know these things!


hey lads thanks so much for readiong this part ill  put up the next one tomorrow.....  please vote my my story aswell pweeezzzz :D love you allll :D xxxxxx

ch.1: The boy who saved meWhere stories live. Discover now