ch.16 lie to me

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....The next time I regained conciousness was when I was in the ambulance.

I heard a sigh of relief and Nathans voice saying ''Thank God''.

I looked around and saw Nathan, Jess and a paramedic.

I managed a laugh, ''you didn't catch me when I fell this time Nath''.

He smiled, ''At least your sense of humor is in tact''.

When I came out of the ambulance everyone was waiting for me at the hospital.

I got a room and everyone followed,''Guys, you don't have to stay, I'll be fine''.

Nathan,Jess, Alice and Liam stayed,...of course he stayed.

The rest of them left but it took some convincing.

Sinead was worried, ''Are you sure?, I feel bad leaving!''.

''Don't feel bad, I'm gonna be well taken care of'', I winked at nathan.

He looked around, ''Is their anywhere we can get you one of those nurse uniforms?''.

I slapped him,''God, please keep your sick fantasies to yourself''.

He stuck his tongue out at me.

Eventually, Jess and Alice left to. I fell asleep in the room waiting for a doctor.

My dreams turned into nightmares.

I was on the edge of a cliff. I looked around and to my horror, Nath was on one edge and Liam was on another.

I could only save one.

I struggled to make a choice, but it was too late.

both of them fell.

I'd lost them both.

''meg, MEG!!''.

I woke up to Liam and Nathan standing over me with worried faces.

''Are you ok?''.

I was sweating and panting, ''EMMM, yea...just had a bad dream''.

I was still lost in thought, that dream was trying to tell me something.

If I didn't choose right away and make a definite decision...I'd lose both of them.

I was knocked out of my thought when the doctor came in, ''Hi megan, you'll be glad to know that theirs no serious damage done to your head, just a few bumps and bruises, it was a hrad knock and must be very painful so we're keeping you in over night because of the medicine we have to give that all ok?''.

''Oh thank you, no problem,....thanks again'', I said as he left the room.

The boys were chatting and Nathan got a text.

He looked at it and tried to hide it.

''Nath,you're up ealry tomorrow arn't you?, It's late, you need to go and sleep!''.

He tried to argue,''It's fine, I'll stay here then meet the boys in the morning''.

I shook my head,''leave nath, I'm ok''.

''yea, I'll look after her'', Liam said happily.

He gave up, '' ok, I'll see you later''.

He kissed me on the forehead, ''get well soon babe'', he whispered.

He left and I sat up on  the bed, ''What are you playing at?'', I looked at liam.

He looked at me innocently, ''''What?, I can't help it that you, literally, fell for me!''.

ch.1: The boy who saved meWhere stories live. Discover now