Part 4

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"YES PETE, HOLY SMOKES, YES! I DO! I DO!!!" Patrick starts jumping up and down and hugs Pete as tight as he could and he actually starts crying. Everyone in the diner is stunned at what is happening right now. Realizing that Pete Wentz just walked in. Realizing Patrick Stump walked in with him. Realizing Pete just asked Patrick to be his boyfriend. Realizing that the two are gay. Realizing that they are now passionately kissing each other... The waiter breaks the awkward silence by clapping his hands, first slowly and hesitant, but then at a steady pace, proud that he supports them. The rest of the restaurant joins into applause and it's a complete surreal moment between Pete and Patrick, in their own world alone together. A waitress who is a fan of their band chimes in, "One order of pumpkin squares and pizza coming right up, on the house!!" and Patrick and Pete thank her and the waiter and grab a table by the window.

The waiter and waitress both walk up to them all nervous. They seem around Patrick and Pete's age, maybe just a little younger and better off. "Oh my god it's so amazing to meet you guys in here! We're seeing you tonight at The House Of Blues!" The short waitress girl says and the tall waiter boy beams at her, love in his eyes. Pete grins at this, "Thank you both so much. This is just perfect. We'll look for you two in the crowd, okay?" The boy joins in, "Yeah, we'll push our way to the front, or I'll have her sitting on my shoulders, we're huge fans, thank you for all you've done for us, really. You guys were how we met. Saw this beauty in a mosh pit at your concert at the Castle and I just knew..." He looks down into her eyes, "she was the one I wanted to be with forever." The girl blushes and kisses him quickly on his cheek, "I'd love to stay but I gotta get back to my tables. Again, it was so awesome to finally meet you two, and thank you for everything!" She gives Pete and Patrick a hug and runs off to go take orders, the boy giggling as she walks away. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me  tonight, will you guys play Grand Theft Autumn? It's her favorite." Patrick is shocked by this boy's bravery and compassion, something the world could never teach. "Yeah it's on the set list. You two... Make her the happiest girl in the world, you." Patrick points at the boy and he nods in return. Pete adds, "What's your names by the way?" "My name is Donnie, her's is Winona." "Okay, just wondering. Nice to meet you Donnie." Pete shakes the boys hand and Patrick hugs him. "Good luck tonight Donnie." A cook calls from the kitchen needing Donnie to take out some food. "Shit I have to go, but thank you guys so much!!! Tell Joe and Andy we both say hi, look for us!" He starts to walk away and Pete nods that they will.

"Looks like we aren't the only ones in love, Pattycakes." Pete says sipping his drink. Patrick stops. "I love you Patrick." "I- I love you too Pete." Patrick says and he reaches over the table and kisses him a million times, a million never being enough to show his love for Pete Wentz. 

"I can't believe you love me back..." Patrick laughs unbelievably. "I just want to grab your hand and run and I can't believe this is actually love, and you don't just want me for sex... Just 'cause I'd give my right arm to have sex with you..." Patrick's rambling now. "Then let's go, let's run." Pete's eyes are wide. "The show isn't for another few hours, we can go on a walk, watch some movies, cuddle, whatever you want. I just want to be with you." Patrick blushed, looking over at Donnie and Winona laughing and holding hands, and realizing he has this. "Well what should we do? There's so much to do now."

Pete looked over at what Patrick was smiling at. Donnie and Winona, America's Suithearts. "America's Suithearts..." Pete said out loud. Patrick's ears perk up, "That could be a hit Pete. Donnie and Winona... Those names... They will never be forgotten." Patrick grabs Pete's hand and they both smile. "How about we wait for our food, then run off into the sunset, okay baby?" Pete squeezes Patrick hand. "Sounds good." Patrick replies with a huge smile and chuckle. 

They shared pizza and pumpkin squares and laughter and smile after cute smile. They've been "together" for awhile, but having Pete as his boyfriend was different. They both found new happiness in their lives. They finished eating, paid, and said goodbye to the suitehearts for now. Patrick grabs Pete's hand and they head towards the car. Pete takes shotgun, and leans across the center console, kissing Patrick for about 5 minutes. "So where to sugar?" Pete asks sweetly.

"Lets go to Millennium Park." Patrick says as he pulls out to drive to their destination. Pete hums some song incoherently as Patrick waits frustrated in traffic. "I hope not too many people will recognize us there." "Awh, let them look. I don't care. I want them to know that I. Love. You." Pete kisses Patrick and some people notice, but disregard it as 'young love'.

They walked hand in hand around Millennium Park, people watching and enjoying the day. It was cold but they had each other. "I propose cuddling and getting ready for sound check?" Patrick asks about 4 hours to the show. Their sound check will take about 2 hours... They'll have 2 hours left for cuddling! "Seems fitting..." Pete says, "but let's go see Buckingham Fountain first!! It's so romantic there, especially with this sunset right now." The sky is a mix of beautiful warm colors, love is in the air. They walk back to the car and, after mild traffic, visit the fountain hand in hand, imitating other couples there too. Pete takes out a penny from his pocket and hands it to Patrick. "Here's a penny for your thoughts. Make a wish, suiteheart."

"All my wishes have come true." Patrick smiles sweetly and leans in to kiss Pete. He tosses the penny in anyways. 'I wish he'll never leave me.'

It's as if Pete can read Patrick's thoughts. He puts his hand on the sides of Patrick's face, feeling his soft sideburns. "I'm never going to leave you Patrick." He says softly and wraps his arms around Patrick, a warm embrace. "If you did, that would be one hell of a way to waste a perfectly good wish." "Your wish is granted, baby." Pete kisses Patrick's cheek and a cool breeze reminds them it's nearing time to go. "Shit. Well I guess we won't get to cuddle much now Patrick, we've gotta show up at the club in half an hour. And traffic's gonna be a bitch." Pete sighs, sad he can't snuggle with his boyfriend. "Okay okay... How about you drive." Patrick says gently, Pete can handle traffic better than he can, even if he does drive like a maniac. "Love to!!" They walk quickly back to their car and pull out onto the highway, on the road to the grand House Of Blues.

Pete turns on the radio and they both smile at what they hear. "And now their new single from their album Take This To Your Grave, 'Dead On Arrival' by Fall Out Boy!" The disk jockey announces, playing their song. Pete turns it up and Patrick resists to sing along but he can't help it, after all, it is his voice singing it. "This is side one, flip me over! I know I'm not your favorite record!" He belts out the notes, Pete enjoying every moment of it. When the song ends and another group comes on, Patrick turns the volume down to discuss with Pete about the set list. "I was hoping we end with Saturday tonight..." He says shyly. "Oh yeah I wanted to say that too! What if we... What if that became our like, official finale song? I like that idea." Patrick smirks at Pete. "Did Mark already talk to you about this?" Pete keeps his eyes on the road but a grin slowly spreads across his face. "Yeah, and I wanna make you happy. I'd love that to be our official finale song though, seriously." "You got it sunshine!" Patrick beams smiling. He looks out the window and sees the club in the distance, becoming farther and farther away, and then notices Pete missed the turn off. "Honey, you missed the turn off." "Ah shit my bad. We'll get off at the next one." A familiar sound starts to play on the radio and Pete turns it up excitedly. "This is that disco band!!! Panic! At The Disco, that's who they are!!" "Okay! Shut up I'm trying to listen!" Patrick says back playfully. "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the God damn door, no? It's much better the face these kinds of things..." "Hey I like this!!" Patrick jumps in his seat. The singer's voice is really good and he quickly imagines himself singing a duo with him. Nah, they'd probably never talk again after tonight. "I knew you would," Pete starts to slow down, already they're in the parking lot of the club, a long line gathered in the front 2 hours before their show. Patrick's still getting used to all their fans, amazed that so many people show up to see HIM SING, THEM PLAY. Pete loves all the screaming girls, but he's more in love with his Pattycakes than anything.  

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