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Sorry for my mistakes

I walked right through the forest. There weren’t that many trees here. Grover would be sad to hear that. Okay, Grover is our friend satyr, he must’ve been the bravest of them all.  Now, he is currently searching and recruiting half-bloods while at the same time also keeping the nature safe, which is hard, but if no one can do it. I am sure Grover can. Ever since Pan’s death, it was up to Grover to help with the left pieces of the wild in the earth.

Ugh! I just stepped on someone’s poop. After some minutes, I heard a rustle, then a rabbit came out of nowhere. I yelped then I sighed.  I decided to remove my cap since it’s been making my hair a bit moist. I continued walking and after some more minutes, a hand from the nearest tree grabbed me. I yelled but stopped, then he grabbed my cap and covered my mouth, I thought of biting him but I couldn’t as well. Then he pulled me over in the tree he was hiding from and told me to be quiet. I know that voice. It couldn’t be. He was dead, we all know that, but why is he here.

“Luke?” I asked. He smiled and I saw his scar.

“Hey Annabeth, nice meeting you again” He said.

“But you're dead, this couldn’t be, this must be an illusion, who are you really?” I asked in a high tone. “I saw you in person sacrifice yourself to–“ I said but stopped when he put his finger over my lips and said “Just keep it low” I really had a lot of questions bothering me now.

“Well, I chose to rebirth so here I am” He said.

“But how about your body? I mean I saw it broke down and you and your burial shroud”. I never have been such a mess with words until now.

“Well, a certain goddess, exactly copied my own body, perhaps the goddess of love and beauty”.

“Aphrodite” I said with such distaste. I never really liked her anyway.

“Yeah, she told me that my old body was real beauty so yeah, she liked copied it” He informed me.

“But wait, how long have been rebirthed?” I asked changing the subject.

“Just last night actually, after my meeting with Aphrodite, I headed out to find you, she filled me in already”. He looked surprise when I suddenly hug him; I even surprised my own self.

“Oh Luke, I missed you so much” I told him with tears running down my cheeks.

“Me too, that is why you are the first one I looked for”. He replied with a forming smile. Then he said with a more serious tone “Annabeth, do you forgive me for my turning my back on Olympus?” he asked of me.

“Oh, Luke, some gods may never forgive you for that, but I know in my heart that I have forgiven you for a long time already” Now I was really getting all emotional now.

“Oh Annabeth, don’t cry, besides I saw how you pull off that monster, you’ve changed since the first time I ever saw you. With that hammer and flannel pajamas.” He said. That made me smile. “And so I gave you a real blade” He said.

“I’m sorry Luke but I lost the knife that you gave me.” I blurted out.

“No, it’s ok, besides I found it.” He said. “Here you go” Then he handed me a very familiar blade I’d use for over 10 years already, but it got lost somewhere when I fell into Tartarus.

“But Luke, how did you find it? I asked as I took the blade from him and examined it carefully to be sure if this was really the blade I lost. It looks like it is.

“Well, I found it somewhere with so much wreckage so I was sure, some demigod caused it.” He told me with the slightest bit of sarcasm and a smirk on his ips. . “I saw that sword you were using earlier, very cool. What is that anyway?”

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