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            “You only have one choice Piper” Mom’s words played in my mind while I absentmindedly braided my hair. I knew well to choose Jason but Mom’s convincing efforts and things that she showed me made me even doubt my own self.

“Trust is essential in keeping a relationship strong and alive” Mom’s other advices echoed in my mind. It was crazy to say that, well everything was crazy.

All the world needs is normality but people seem to be interested in being crazy. I envied them for ever living normally. All I want in my life is to be someone good and that someone who people respect and love. I just want to have a normal relationship with someone who I could be with for the rest of the life I will have.

            Deciding that staying inside will never do me any better; I stood up and walked out of my room.

            I looked for anyone except Jason but my luck just ran out even before I slept because he’s the one that I encountered first. I remembered with perfect clarity when he jumped off that building and I can’t help but tear up a little.

            “Piper?” He asked concerned showing through his face. I immediately yearned for a hug and he did let me in. There I can’t keep it anymore so I cried freely in his chest while he comforted me. I tried so hard not to think about any of it, I was even being blunt about what I feel but now that I was face to face with him, I can’t help myself but cry and all those feelings I avoided came back to me.

            I didn’t know how we were in his bunk but I decided that that wasn’t very important. Once that I was somehow calmed, I started having hiccups. He immediately went out to get a glass of water and it took him decades to return but that might as well be less than a minute, I’m not sure anymore and now that I cried hard, my head was throbbing against my skull.

            “Here” He said carefully on which I smiled at then let a hiccup burst, he smiled too and I drank the glass of water he gave me. “I hope that helped” He said looking worried and wary.

            “Yes, it’s gone now” I said but failed once I said gone and it looked like it didn’t want to be gone. Jason laughed at that but all I could do was smile since I just cried hard.

            “Well it looks like not” He pointed out so I drank the rest and I finally felt relieved that it was gone.

            You were more worried about some silly hiccups than when Jason jumped? An inner voice questioned which made my heart seemed to be pressed, stepped on, squeezed together and pricked. My smile immediately faded and so did Jason’s.

            “Tell me” He simply said and I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to tell him this anyway. But then I went back to the time when I learned that the best way to deal with anything that life has to offer is to tell someone about it.

            “Well” I started and tried to stay strong as I could as I told him about everything that happened. From the part where we were happy on which he smiled at then when we fought on which he frowned on. I told him the rest and I almost cried but while going on with my story, it was easier and by the end of my story, I felt lighter. I felt a big burden had been lifted off my chest and I had the strength to make a real smile.

            He wasn’t smiling though and I can see the worried look that his beautiful blue eyes said that made my smile drop. I was happy while I was telling him those things but now I wasn’t sure. And now, I also realized that I felt lighter but that cost Jason to felt something heavy in his chest too. I bit my lip as I thought of this now and how selfish I had been.

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