Chapter 7

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"Oh, hey, Abby!" Alex said, putting a hand on Clayton's chest telling him to stop.

"A-Alex?" I stammered.

"Oh, I figured since you're over Clayton it'd be okay if I had a little fun with him!" She smiled evilly. "You are over Clayton, right?"

"Yeah," I lied. Luckily I was a great liar. I didn't want to offend Tanner or embarrass myself in front of my friends. "Of course I am." Clayton smirked at me.

"You're jealous," he spoke. "I can see it in your eyes."

"No, she's not." Haley defended me. "Obviously if she wanted you, she'd have you, Clayton. The entire school now knows you've liked her since fourth grade. News spreads fast here, Clayton." Clayton narrowed his eyes, scaring me.

"Haley's right," Tanner butted in. "It's obvious you're just doing this to try to make Abby jealous. You've never shown any affection towards Alex, and now you're all over her. And Alex just so happens to be Abby's best friend. Coincidence? I think not."

"Ex best friend," I corrected him. He nodded understandingly.

"I see how it is, Tanner." Clayton stepped forward. He was around the same hight of Tanner and had a similar build, so this didn't frighten Tanner. "Over the years you've said about three words. But now that Abby is in the picture, you speak up?"

"Wow, you must be a rocket scientist," Asher made fun of Clayton. Haley, Tanner, and I burst into laughter. He was right, though. Clayton's statement really had no point. He wasn't telling us anything we didn't know or expect.

"Whatever," Clayton growled. He grabbed Alex's hand, kissed her cheek, and they walked off. I did my best to hide my emotions. My heart was broken. My crush was using my now ex-best friend to make me jealous. Alex was fine with it, too. I wanted to shrivel up and cry. Or, even better, shrivel up and die.

"Don't pay any attention to him, Abby." Tanner told me in a soft, quiet voice. "He's just looking for trouble," Haley nodded.

"I know it hurts that you lost your best friend, Abby. But it'll be okay. It's going to be okay," Haley soothed. "Everything will work itself out. For now, I just want you to forget about both of them."

"I didn't lose my best friend, Haley." I said, realising I shouldn't focus on those I've lost, but rather who I still have. My heart hurt and I was both mentally and emotionally exhausted. I thought I needed Alex in my life, but if she had been a true friend, she wouldn't be trying to make me envious. She would be supporting me. Because that's what best friends do. "You're my best friend."


As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs into my bedroom - relieved nobody was home - and crawled into my bed. I buried my face in my pillow and screamed as loud and for as long as I could. I released all my anger doing this, and felt a little relieved. Immediately, I began sobbing heavily. Alex had been my best friend for nearly all my life. We had shared so many memories - mainly good ones. But now, we would never share another good memory. I asked myself a dreadful question.

Today she proved she isn't - and never was - a good friend, I told myself. So, how many times had she successfully manipulated me without me noticing? Had my past boyfriend been cheating on me with her? I couldn't answer the questions in fear of a heart breaking answer. I hated Alex, and yet I wanted her back. I hated Clayton, and yet I wanted him back. What have I done? I asked myself. The answer was nothing. I forced myself to believe all the drama wasn't my fault. But now, I am not so sure.

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