Broken Home - 5 Seconds Of Summer

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She could hear them arguing, voices rising to a climax before the unavoidable silence that would be the start of many days of them refusing to speak to each other, ultimately turning her into their unwilling messenger.

The only things she had were the posters on her walls of all the places she dreamed of visiting. Just a few more years, and she could get out of there. It's not like they cared. Nobody ever asked her what she wanted, or how she felt. Sometimes she got so mad, she just wanted to scream. Why couldn't they wait until she was at school, so she didn't have to hear them? But she didn't. She stayed silent, even when they became so mad at each other that they sometimes forgot to give her dinner, or take her to school, and many other little, yet important, things.

Their voices grew louder again, and she pressed a pillow over her ears, trying to block it all out. It didn't work. And if she turned up the volume of her earphones any more, she'd probably go deaf - a notion that was becoming more enticing day after day. Her throat was dry, and she reached over for her glass, only to discover that it was empty. She sighed deeply. Now she would have to leave her room and go to the kitchen to fetch water. As she neared the kitchen, her heart dropped as she saw that the lights were already on, and their voices were coming from inside.

She turned around, planning on leaving without them even knowing she had been there. Unfortunately, it didn't seem that luck was on her side. Her foot slipped, and she went tumbling to the ground. Her glass shattered, cutting her elbow as she landed.

Her parents stopped their arguing for a moment to stare at her, lying on the ground surrounded by shattered glass. They seemed uncertain about what to do next. She got to her feet unsteadily, pointedly ignoring the helping hand that her father held out.

"Um, are you okay?" Her mother asked, a question that had come months too late.

"Who cares? I mean, really, who actually does?" She told them, before stomping off, clutching her elbow and doing her best not to fall apart. They didn't go after them. Instead, they argued, blaming each other for their daughter's behaviour.

Coming Soon: Creep - Radiohead

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