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Art belongs to its original owner

"Zane...? What are you-"
"Baby Brother, is something wrong? You can talk to me about it if you'd like." Zane's expression darkened immensely. The tension between them was high enough.
"(Y/n). Follow me, we need to talk." Zane said as he dragged me to his house.
He slammed the door shut and locked it as we got in. "Can we....Hang out...? Or! Something.." His face turned a bit pink.
"If that's what you wanted, you could've just asked me."
Zane's blush grew deeper.
There was a bit of awkward silence as we stood there, avoiding eye contact.
"I'm not good at talking to people..."
"You can talk to Aphmau fine." I said, hoping to learn more about this mysterious man.
"That's because she's my best friend." He said slyly. "I can practically tell her anything." I could see his smirk right through his scarf.
"Ah, makes sense."
"D-Do you have a best friend?" He asked, looking at the ground for who knows why.
"Yeah! I do!"
"Who is it..." I could see him gritting his teeth as he said that. Wow, this guy has anger issues...
"Travis Valkrum. He lives on this street, you know him?"
"I regret it, but yes..."
"Why don't you like Travis? He's a nice guy!"
"Maybe to you, but the way he flirts with Aphmau disgusts me...." He made a face.
"You seem.... Pretty overprotective..."
"She's MY best friend. Of course I'm overprotective. I don't want her to have any other best friend then me." His expression darkened. Oh boy..... "Or you'll have to take a trip to Hell."
I fell on the ground and bowed slightly. "IM SORRY IF I RUINED YOUR FRIENDSHIP BY BEING HERE!"
"Uhhhm....." He held out his hand towards me. "D-Don't worry.....You haven't done anything wrong...Yet." I took his hand as he helped me up. "Thank you.....Zane..." I said as his face got bright red. "Are you okay?" I realized I was still holding his hand. I retracted my hand as Zane's went limp. "I'm sorry! I didn't see that-" He put his finger on my lips. "Don't worry about it." He looked behind me and his eyes got slightly wide. "It's late."
I turned around to see that the sun just went down. "Oh, I'll walk home then. Bye, Zane!" As I walked out the door, he grabbed my wrist and said, "It's dangerous for a girl to walk home by herself. I'll accompany you."
"Zane, I live like; five houses away...I'll be fine."
"I'm not taking chances."
"I'll be fine, Zane!"
"No! Just let me walk you home!" He practically yelled. "Please..."
You clicked your tongue, "Fiiiine."
He whispered a Thank You as he walked past me; I tailed behind him.
He looked at me and spoke in a quiet manner as he whispered in my ear, "You look like a beautiful porcelain doll..." I blushed at what he had said. "Me? Beautiful? I'm not THAT pretty..."
"You should be proud of how lovely you are..."
"T-Thanks, I guess...?" I sais has he smiled with pink dusting his cheeks.
"Do You mind if I give you my number? This....This is the first time I've ever asked someone for their number..." He laughed nervously.
"I understand. I wouldn't give myself my number either. Wait...What? Really??"
"Why not?"
You handed him your phone to put in His details.
"Well.....I had fun, Zane."
"Y-Yeah....I guess it was....Enjoyable. Text me sometime." He blinked.
We said our goodbyes as I walked into my house. I sat on the couch and put My Little Horsies on as I drifted to sleep....
"Why did you fall asleep so early, (Y/n)?"
"She must be tired..."
"Yeah, but she didn't realize that Zane told Garroth she was his?"
"It'll take her a while, Lunar. Maybe when she wakes up?"
"I think she'll need more hints to realize that he likes her. She's so clueless that she didn't realized Zane winked at her!"
"You should have more faith in her!"
"We should stop talking, Luna."
"Author~Chan is getting tired of writing our lines. Plus, the audience only knows our names so we shouldn't give out more information that we've already have."
"True true."

OH MY IRENE! I'm glad I got this part out! Luna and Lunar are my OCs, and will be giving out information and stuff! Maybe even Reader~Chan will meet them...Hehe....Kappa.
See ya, Clods!

MY Little Doll (My Street!Zane Ro'Meave X Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now