New York

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      You hurried along the busy streets of New York City with your friends. Since it was New York City, you had been keeping your eyes peeled for celebrities, especially Thomas Brodie-Sangster.

      Thanksgiving was in two days, which meant that the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was coming up, so there would be a lot of celebrities around. Although you doubt the chances of actually seeing or meeting him, you still kept your hopes up.

     Two days past and still no sign of any celebrities. You had expected it, yet you were disappointed at the same time. Today was Thanksgiving though, so he may be here now. You went to watch the parade with the thousands of other people. At first it was a lot of fun to watch all the floats, see the giant balloons, and listen to the passing marching bands.

      You say different celebrities on floats, but no sign of Thomas. After about an hour, you started getting really cold, so you left the parade. As you were walking, a man bummed right inti, then took off running. "Hey!" You called after him, but he kept running.

      You went into a little coffee shop to warm up. You walked up to the cash register and ordered. But when you looked in your pocket for your wallet, it was gone. You cursed under your breath. "That man probably took it when he bumped into me. I'm so sorry but I don't-" you were cut off by a sweet voice saying "I'll pay."

      You turned around to see the face of Thomas Brodie-Sangster. You watched speechless as he payed for the coffee you had ordered and invited you to sit with him. Finally, we you sat, your voice came back. "OMG you're Thomas Brodie-Sangster! I loved you in all of your movies and-" you stopped yourself, realizing that he probably thought you were just another crazy fan girl now. "Sorry," you said sheepishly. Thomas laughed and said "No you're fine love, I thought it was cute."

     You blushed at his comment and giggled. "What's your name?" He asked. "Y/N" you replied. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." You blush even more as he smiles.

      The two of you spend the rest of the day together, exploring the parts of the city that aren't being used in the parade. He gives you his number at the end of the day, and you leave the next day.

      At home, you called your friend and told her everything that happened. She didn't believe you, so you invited her over. When she got there, you texted the number he gave you, and almost immediately responded with "Hey Y/N."


Hey guys! It's been a while since I have updated but here ya go! I hope you enjoyed it! I was inspired to write this because IM GOING TO BE IN THE THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE!!!! My marching band is so if y'all watch it look for Harrison High School marching band and I'll be there somewhere 😂 anyway, vote/comment

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