For @Samaranjbar2003

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I pulled back my gold/brown hair in a pony tail. It was dark out, and I was looking through my telescope at the stars.

I loved astronomy. Everything about the heavens above me fascinated me.

I was studying a particular constellation when my phone buzzed.

It was my friend, Bella.

"Hey Sama! I'm going to a bar tomorrow night with this guy I met. And he has a friend😏😏😏"

I rolled my eyes. She knew that things like that weren't really my thing. I was more of a tom-boy.

"Sorry Bella that kind of stuff just isn't my thing"

"Oh c'mon. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaase. My date won't go unless his friend finds a date. Pleeeesseeaaaaase😢😢😢

"No means no Bella."

"I'll make you a deal. If you go with me to this date, then I'll take you to that astronomy thing. Whatever it is."

I paused. There was a convention going on near us that was all things astronomy, and i wanted to go so badly. But I didn't have the money for it.

However, Bella's family was loaded.

"Fine. I'll go."

"YES I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6!"

I sighed and out down my phone. What was I getting myself into.

*6 o'clock the next day*

I put on the only dress I had, which was a black cocktail dress with spaghetti straps. I borrowed some black heels I randomly found in the back of my closet, and wore only the amount of make up that I knew how to apply. Which wasn't a lot.

To top it off I put my hair up in a bun.

Satisfied, I grabbed my purse and met Bella outside of my house.

"You look great!" She said when I got in the car.

I smiled. "Thanks. You too!"

On the way to the bar, we listened to music, mostly Fall Out Boy and Imagine Dragons, and then talked about whatever subject can across our minds.

But when we pulled up to the bar, I suddenly got very nervous.

"What this guy's friend doesn't like me? What if he's mean? This is why I don't do these kinds of things..." I said crossing my arms, suddenly feeling very self conscious.

Bella smiled at me. "Hey listen, if this guy is mean to you or whatever, you can leave. It's just for some reason the only way my date would come is if he came. Now come on. They're waiting for us."

She started to get out of the car. "Oh and your date's name is Thomas. Though I'd let you know that."

I sighed and got out of the car.

The place was crowded and loud. Two things I immediately didn't like.

Bella immediately found her date, then went off on there own. Leaving me all alone.

"Thanks a lot Bella," I said to myself.

I turned around to go back to the car when I bumped into someone and I felt water splash all over me.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry," I heard a British voice say.

"It's fine" I said through gritted teeth. Well this night is just going gre-

My thoughts were interrupted. When I looked at the face of the man who spilled his drink on me, I was met with a pair of the most beautiful chocolate,brown eyes I had ever seen.

I realized that we were both staring at each other, so I decided to say something.

"Oh, um hi. I'm Sama."

The mans face went red. "Oh my gosh. You're Sama? I'm Thomas. I'm the one you're supposed to, well, you know..." He rubbed the back on his neck, embarrassed.

I laughed at how cute he was. "I'm supposed to be your date. I know." 

He laughed. "So, do you want to grab a table?"

I smiled and nodded. 

"By the way, you look beautiful." He said.

I blushed and followed him to a table.

I had never really been on a date before, so I didn't know what to expect.

But Thomas was amazing.

After dinner, Thomas drove me home.

"I had a wonderful time." Thomas said when he pulled up to my house.

"Me too." I said, gathering my things. I was about to leave the car when Thomas stopped me.

"Wait, Sama. I just wanted to say that the way I felt tonight with you, I've never felt that way with any other girl, and I know we just met, but I feel like we have a sort of connection and, well I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you."

I stared at him for a good 5 seconds, before my lips crashed into his. I felt fireworks explode in my stomach.

When I pulled away, Thomas looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Good night, Thomas"

I smiled and left the car, looking back on everything that had happened that night.


Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day! I hope yours is going better than mine because I'm sick 😞

Anyway, I hope you liked this imagine Samaranjbar2003 !

Always remember to spread love and happiness, and I hope you have a great day!


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