New Character: Gyro Zeppeli

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How You Met:

You were riding your horse along the trail you were on. Both of you and your horse had been cooped up inside as of lately and you guys really needed to get out in the open and take a long a ride along various trails. Hours passed and you got off your horse since your horse was tired from running and walking various trails. Your horse laid down near you and you sat down right next to your horse and leaned on it lightly and you both drank water and ate the snacks you packed. While relaxing someone rode up with there horse and stopped in front of you he looked at you and smiled he had grills on that  read," GO!GO! ZEPPELI". 

You looked curious at him as he got off of his horse. He looked curiously at you and stood in front of you and tilted his head to the side a bit," You two alright?"

You looked at him," Ya we are just resting."

He gave you a look of confusion and got your horse to stand when you were standing up," Why are you resting here there is a rest spot just up ahead not far ahead and not to dangerous  animals can come out at anytime on the trail. Come on I will show you two the rest stop." 

You nodded and got on your horse and you both rode your horses toward the rest point, looking at the guy next to you. After awhile you sat up fully on the saddle of your horse and tiled your head back a bit getting a full view of the guy," So what's your name?"

The guy looked at you and grinned showing his grills again," Name's Gyro Zeppeli... And you are shorty?" It didn't take him a long time to register that you  were shorter than him. 

You puffed your cheek," Whatever... My name is (Y/N) not shorty."  He chuckled at your response and smiled. You two talked during the ride when you got there you two ate together. After you two finished you two went your separate ways.

When You Two Hangout:

You were once again riding with your horse around town and into a field. Except this time you scheduled a meet with Gyro. You were standing next to your horse brushing its mane waiting for him. Hearing his horse coming up towards you, not wasting any time you quickly spun around to face him you said to him chuckling," Well look who finally decided to show." You got on your horse and pet her mane. 

Gyro rolled his eyes playfully and smiled smirking a bit," Ya ya I was just fashionable late." You two started on the trail you two had planned on going on. You guys spent talking for hours during the trail and sat the rest stops. While you two were starting up the second half of the trail you started picking up speed and started going ahead of Gyro, which in return he gave a curious yet interested face. You smirked at him doing exactly what he was thinking you were doing. That was challenging him to a race to the rest stop. A few seconds passed you picked up speed once more still being on his side to confirm that you were challenging him Gyro Zeppeli to a race.

He grinned chuckling," Is that so? Don't cry when you lose." You both raced one another. It was a close tie when it came close to the set finish line of the rest stop. You two were neck to neck, but you were the first to get to the rest spot. 

You chuckled," Looks I won Gyro." You smiled and laughed a bit.  

Gyro chuckled and got down off his horse and helped you down and crossed his arms," You got a head start so I say we do a rematch this time with fair odds." 

You giggled when he twirled you," Definitely. Your on but doesn't mean that you will win.". After resting for a couple of hours you two sat both on your saddles and you both raced again this time he won and you two were both put your horses in their stalls at a place he normally let his horse be. You agreed since they had enough room to explore and he walked you to your house.

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