Spending Time With You [Diamond Is Unbreakable]

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! I know the title looks different from the others. I can explain! Because there are so many characters, I've decided to split the characters based on their season. It has been difficult for me to push out a scenario with everyone included in it. This method will allow things to stay organized, and for me to update quicker and work on different projects. I hope this works out, give me your feedback! I've also added some decoration to the chapter as well. It might stay, decorations have grown on me. Tell me how you guys feel about it as well.

      Josuke Higashikata
"Are you sure this is the right leg?" Josuke asked he looked at the wooden furniture leg, hoping it was to his mother's beloved china cabinet. You had agreed to help him repair some of the furniture that fell victim to his temper. The entire Kira situation was frustrating for him, especially when all of their leads have currently disappeared for a moment. When you entered the front door of your boyfriend's house, it was shocking to see that Josuke had torn up both the living room and the kitchen.

"I'm pretty sure that's one of the legs to your mother's china cabinet." You said. Currently, you were washing the china plates that were recently repaired by Crazy Diamond. You didn't blame Josuke for wanting help when it came to cleaning up his mess before his mother came home. The last time you saw the two in a screaming match, it was like looking in the mirror of a vicious dragon.

Josuke activated Crazy Diamond, and the two began to repair the broken china cabinet. You remained silent, stuck in your thought, as you watched the rain pour against the window. Focusing on the dishes that you were washing, you didn't realize that Josuke had moved from the cabinet to behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him. You had a faint blush dusted across your cheeks. "Hnn..." Josuke said, resting his chin on your shoulder. "You're quiet," he said, snuggling into your neck. "Since the roads are closed due to flooding, we could maybe... watch a movie and relax for our break?" he said, suggesting at other activities instead of fixing up the small amount of furniture that was left.

You couldn't help but smile at the offer to take a break. "That sounds like an excellent plan," you said, putting the last of the china plates in the drying rack.  "Ah!" you yelped as Josuke wrapped your arm around his shoulder, and he picked you up bridal style. The two of you rushed to the living room in a hurry to watch something on television. The break consisted of both a make-out session during commercial breaks and zoning out. Neither of you noticed that Mrs. Higashikata came home to the uncompleted repairing session you two were doing.

"JOSUKE!!" Mrs. Higashikata screamed from the kitchen. The two of you scrambled off of each other and the couch, remembering that you two had an unfinished job in the kitchen.

      Rohan Kishibe
You hummed while cooking in the kitchen, making your special (f/o/c) fluffy pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Rohan was currently locked in his office, or as you called it his dungeon, working nonstop on his manga's manuscript. Recalling the phone can Rohan received from his manager about the deadline changes. For the past few weeks, Rohan locked himself in his art studio to continue his work. You two barely talked due to his nonstop working, minus the few hours of sleep he gets, cuddling with you regenerates his sanity.

You thought that making Rohan breakfast would cheer him up, and knowing him, Rohan crashed at his desk after making sure he couldn't mess up his manuscript. Finishing up your delicious breakfast for the two of you would be the perfect thing to cheer Rohan up during his break. Putting the food onto a breakfast tray, you walked upstairs to Rohan's art studio. Once you got the door of the studio, you could already feel the dread that was emitting off of the manga artist. I knew he was pissed, but this is something else. You thought to yourself.

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