The plan is?

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So we got a lead on where one of Carlos's main men, Mario, might be. Tonight at 8 there's a ball in city hall and he's going to attend, we have a chance to catch him there thing is, he has an obsession that we're going to use against him and guess who's bait? Yup, he has a thing for younger girls. If this plan fails we'll resort to plan B, kill him. Simple as that. "Okay so let's go over the plan again", Maxwell shouted while we all gathered around. We teamed up with two more people by the way, Quin Lin and Evan, they were the backup so they aren't really important. "So Sky you walk in with Chris and as soon as you do make sure you get Mario's attention", he pointed at me and I nodded sucking on my lollipop, "then Sophie, you and Kate distract the guards by right stair well. Got it?", they nodded in illusion, "alright Chris make sure you're there to back Skylar up at all times, Evan and Quin Lin you'll have access to the security cameras and the lights, at approximately 10 on the dot lights out", he stated. "Wait", I sat up, "how long am I supposed to talk to this guy?", I questioned. "Kiddo just do whatever as long as you keep him occupied and ready for pick up at the stairwell", Maxwell answered and I sucked my teeth and sat back. "Okay so we got a plan?", he said and everyone but me said yeah in illusion.


It was 7:00 and we were all getting ready.

I felt a little weird cause I never shown so much of my body before, I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my straightened bob

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I felt a little weird cause I never shown so much of my body before, I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my straightened bob. When stepping outside I almost tripped a couple of times like how do people walk in these. "Oh wow", I heard Evan say which caused me to turn around losing balance. He helped me apologizing, I told him it was okay. "Hey you're gonna be fine out there don't worry", he said which calmed me down a little. He helped me into the other house and we waited in the living room until Sophie shown up wearing this:

 He helped me into the other house and we waited in the living room until Sophie shown up wearing this:

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Her hair was in a messy bun, she looked like a super model. She complimented me and then gave me an earring with a mic in it. "Okay everyone let's go, go, woah", Maxwell said frowning at my outfit. "You're going out exposing that much?", he said concerned then did Kate hit him with her purse for trying to make me question changing my dress, "stop playing father, she looks drop dead gorgeous", she stated.

I hid my smile and then we all piled into the car with Maxwell, Quin Lin, and Evan in a black van behind us

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I hid my smile and then we all piled into the car with Maxwell, Quin Lin, and Evan in a black van behind us.


We reached city hall and I clutched my purse tightly while we walked up the steps. "Sky take bigger steps and sway your hips more, it'll make walking in those heels easier", Kate advised me and it helped a lot. As soon as we got into the building my whole entire personality changed, I was in complete mission mode. I walked a head of Kate and Sophie swaying my hips and everyone stared while I flipped my hair, I spotted Mario staring and smirked at him before heading to the ladies room. I checked to see if anyone was in there before opening the window. Then headed back out. It was 8:25 and I was watching my target's every move. I spotted Sophie and Kate across the room, Kate was laughing and drinking away while Sophie played the part of the concerned friend. "Sophie there's two guards by the left staircase and five by the right one", I whispered into the mic. I took a quick glance at her and she nodded so i walked around until I spotted a waiter passing out drinks in front of Mario, I walked up and took the last one. "Thank yo- oh, I'm so sorry I'll just put it back", I said but he gently pushed the glass towards my chest and informed me it was okay. "Well thank you I just get thirsty when I'm nervous, this is my first ball alone without my boyfriend", I sighed. "A pretty lady like you is single?", he asked and I nodded, "we broke up". "Why would someone ever break up with someone as luxurious as you", he complimented, I took a sip of the liquor in my hand, "actually I broke up with him", I revealed. He asked why and I answered that he was just a little boy then did he smirk. "So you prefer older guys?", he smirked. God no, "yes, they're much better", I said. He chuckled and we talked for a good 15 minutes. "Ouch", I kissed my teeth. "What's wrong?", he asked, I bent down rubbing my ankle, "nothing, it's just that these heels really hurt my legs and this music is kind of giving me a headache but I'll be okay, really", I nodded wincing in the pain of my pretend headache. "How bout we go somewhere quiet", he insisted smiling. I smirked as he put his hand out for me to grab then we headed upstairs, I didn't see Kate or Sophie so my guess is that they were already upstairs. We entered a room on the left and he had his men guarding downstairs. He sat down and patted a seat next to him, I accepted the offer and began to take off my heels. What can I say my feet really were killing me. "You are so beautiful", he let out, I mentally vomitted but giggled and thanked him. We talked until it was 9:55, he tried getting handsy but I wasn't having it. "Darling you don't need to move so much I won't hurt you", he licked his lips. I got up and gave him a lusty smile then I opened the door, "you're gonna have to catch me first", said dangling my heels and purse in the air. He stepped out after me but I was already by the right stair well, I entered a room and he ran after me. I took my mini gun out of my purse and hid behind the door, "3,2,1", I silently whispered then lights out. I had my eyes closed while hiding behind the door so that it would be easier to see in the dark when I opened them. I heard him enter the room so I came behind him and pressure pointed him to sleep, "Sky where is he?", Kate and Sophie said then they hauled him into the supply closet in the stairwell. "Hey!", a man shouted so I aimed at him but another man knocked my gu out of my hand. I kicked him in the jewels then when he was crouched over I kneed him in the nose and elbowed the back of his neck hearing a crack then did I rush to the other man punching his gut, he attempted to grab my hair but I back flipped kicking his chin, he fell backwards so I grabbed my pocket knife from my panty line and sliced cleanly through his neck. I noticed that more men were coming up on the right side of the stair well and Sophia told me that they were down the air vent with the target so I jolted to the left stairwell and ran alongside the wall into the hallway down stairs. Someone had me in a choke hold from behind and another was in front of me, I stabbed his arm and kicked the old man in his chest making my choke holder fall onto his back while I back flipped and stabbed the middle of his neck. I walked to the other man, he curled up in a ball, I kicked him on his back then got on top him and stomped the back of his neck with my heel. As I walked up the hall I spotted another man with his back toward me, too easy. I covered his moth with my hand then stabbed his back multiple times before he hit the ground. Finally I made my way into the girls bathroom in under 10 minutes, I slid my body out of the window and sprinted in the alley until I reached the street across city hall, I casually walked into the car we arrived in and Kate started the car.

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