We Lost the Dream We never Had... (Bill Kaulitz Story)

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Carter Adams 

Age: 16

Looks: She has light brown hair with red, dark blue, orange, and purple streaks. She’s petite and has a skater hip-hopish type of style. She’s been moved around a lot in her life, her parents constantly moving country to country. She is the singer and one of two guitarists (I don't think I spelled that right...) for Headed for the stars. She was born and raised in Magdeburg Germany up until 2 weeks before the guys left when she moved to Russia, she then went to Brittan then finally America where she met the rest of her band. So she is fluent in Russian, German, and English.

Bill kaulitz

Age: 16

 I’m not going to explain what he looks like, I'm not exactly sure how to explain his style even though you should know what he looks like; if you don't know  what he looked like when he was 16 Google it, I'm having problems putting pictures on here. He is the singer for Tokio Hotel.

 Elliot Blake

Age: 17

He has dark brown hair and I'm not sure how to describe how he dresses so just think of the guys from All Time Low. He is the other guitarist for Headed for the stars. He is like a big brother to Carter, and is usually referred to as Blake by Carter.  He was born and raised in America along with the other guys in Headed for the stars.

Tom kaulitz

Age: 16

The same with bill, and he is the guitarist for Tokio Hotel. 

Evan Johnson

Age: 17

Has black hair, and again think of the guys from All Time Low. He is the bassist for Headed for the Stars. He too is like a brother to Carter.

Georg Listing

Age: 18

The same with Bill and Tom, he is the Bassist for Tokio Hotel.

Zach Smith

Age: 17

He has light brown hair, and again think of the guys from All Time Low. He is the drummer for Headed for the Stars.

Gustav Schaffer

Age: 17

The same thing as Bill, Tom, and Georg, he is the drummer for Tokio Hotel.


"Sooo, does anybody know who these guys are?" Elliot had just asked us. We were currently waiting to meet the four guys we would be on tour with for the next  year.

"Nope! Jake didn't tell us anything, I don't even think they know who we are. All we know is that there is four of them and they are from Magdeburg like me!" Jake was our manager, and he didn't tell us ANYTHING I think I'm going to go insane if I don't find out who these guys are within the next two minutes. Well scratch that. There may be a slight chance I'm already insane, but it could still make it worse...

"Ha! So you do know something. Why didn't you tell us this earlier so we could at least have some idea who we were going to be spending the next year of our lives with?" Zach asked

"Why my dear Zachary, it's because I like watching you suffer...and I may have forgotten that I knew that..."

"Uh-ha sure ya did. And my names not Zachary! It's just Zach!"

"Uh-ha sure it is"

"Wait they're from Germany?" Evan said.


“Does this mean you always gonna speak to them in German?” Zach asked

“No Zach, I’m gonna speak Russian.” I said sarcastically.

"Okay I'm telling you now,” Elliot said “the fact that you’re a girl will not stop me from hitting you upside the head if you constantly talk in German from now on.”

“Yes it will.” I said back to him and gave him my puppy dog face.

“No! It won’t work this time!”

“Yes Blake, it will.”

“Okay maybe it will but still don’t do it.”

“You say that like I’ll be with them every second of the day.”

“Nope, just as long as were with you speak English please. That’s all I ask.”

“Eh, sounds reasonable enough.”

“Guys they're here.” Jake said

“Hey we’re Tokio Hotel!” For some reason the voice that said that sounded really familiar, and once I turned around I realized why.



Okay that’s first chapter I know its short, the others will be longer. I'm sorry if it is bad. I'm working on the next chapter; I'm not sure how long it will be though so yeah... I'm sorry if there are any spelling errors; as I said on my profile I am a crap speller. As for grammatical errors...well I'm crap at that to, so sorry.

Thanks to anyone who is reading! :)


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