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Despite all of the yelling and laughter I couldn't pay attention. I was to hungry. Apparently Elliot noticed.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I need food."

"You're still going on about that?!?!"

"Yes! I'm hungry! And don't question me!"

He held his hands up as if he were surrendering.

"You know, now that you mention it, I'm pretty hungry too." Gustav said, and one by one everyone started to agree.

"So what does everybody want?" Elliot asked. Slowly a smile crept onto my face as I stood up. I then started to do a ridiculous dance as I sang "Peanute-butter Jelly time, peanute-butter Jelly time!" Bill tryed to get me to stop of course, that didn't do anything though. It whent on for a little bit until finally someone wrapped their arms around me and whisperd "Ich habe dich".

Then Bill fell back onto a chair, pulling me down with him so that I was on his lap. He apparently fell to hard though because the chair toppled over, giving me a chance to run away.

"Nein haben sie nicht!" I yelled.

"Nicht fair!" I heard behind me as I ran. A feeling of deja vu whent through my mind and I was reminded of a dream I had about a week ago. I soon realised though that it wasn't just a dream, it was a memory.

*I feel two arms rap around my waist as I let out a shriek

“Ich habe dich”

I hear from behind me, only to turn around and be met with the face of thirteen year old Bill. Only seconds later though I slip out of his arms laughing.

“Nein, haben sie nicht!”

I go run behind a tree he starts chasing after me again

“Nicht fair!"

He calls after me, I just laugh. He’s just about to catch up to me but I climed up a tree before he could.

"Holen Sie sich wieder hier!"


"Fein, ich denke, ich werde kommen!"


I started to climb down, but my foot sliped and I fell. Bill hadn't started climbing up the tree yet and was right below me, and by some miracle he caught me. Just like in the movies, you know when the girl falls into the guys arms and lands bridal style. The way that seems immposible.

"Danke Billa"

"Bitte" he said as he leaned in, as if he were about to kiss me but all of a sudden we heard,

"Wo seid Ihr schon?"

Tom came over then. He always did have perfect timing. Note the sarcasm.*

It was times like this that I wished I didn't have to leave, that he didn't cut off all contact. Maybey if that didn't happen I would still have Bill. MY Bill. I mean sure we're kinda freinds now, but it's not the same. Yeah, he looks and sounds like Bill, but I don't know him. I know things about him, but I don't know if he's changed or not...I miss my Billa...

Tears started falling from my eyes as I realised this. Bill decided that now was a good time to catch up to me.

"No running this time!"

He said as he spun me around.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Your crying."

"No, I'm just tired. I was yawning, and when I yawn my eyes tear up."

He looked as if he didn't belive me, but he didn't push it.

"Any way, we all decided on Pizza. Are you coming?"




Sorry it's in parts, Wattpad wouldn't let me upload it all at once for some reason. Also sorry I put German in it even though I said I would stop sooo yeah.


Ich habe dich - I have you

Nein, haben sie nicht - No, you don't have me

Nicht fair - Not fair

Holen Sie sich wieder hier! - Get back here

Nein - no

Fein, ich denke, ich werde kommen! - Fine, I guess I have to come up there

Danke Billa - Thank you Billa

Bitte - your welcome

Wo seid Ihr schon? - Where have you been

Thanks for reading!

~ GiRaLlDaWaY

We Lost the Dream We never Had... (Bill Kaulitz Story)Where stories live. Discover now