That is soooo not true

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I'm sorry for the late update, I was going to right this chapter a long time ago but when I thought of it I was really tire and before I got it down  fell asleep... soo it took me a while to think of somthing else. So I'm very sorry. Oh, and this chapter has a lot of German in it, all of the translations are at the bottom. :)


*a week later*


*I feel two arms rap around my waist as I let out a shriek

“Ich habe dich”

I hear from behind me, only to turn around and be met with the face of thirteen year old Bill. Only seconds later though I slip out of his arms laughing.

“Nein, haben sie nicht!”

I go run behind a tree he starts chasing after me again

“Nicht fair!"

He calls after me, I just laugh. He’s just about to catch up to me but I-*

I'm bruised and scared

Save me from this broooken heart

All my love will slowly fade and fall apart

Someone please sing this love sick meeelody

call my name if your afrai- *smack!


I had just smacked my hand down on the alarm clock to turn it didn't turn out to well. My hand was now throbbing. I should really start to remember to not abuse the alarm clock in morning. This was my third one this month. The first one got beaten to death and the second one got thrown across the room...that was also the way I cracked the screen on my IPod. But ssshhh don't tell anyone it’s a secret.

Haha just kidding, the guys laugh at me for it all the time.

I'm just a kiss awayaaaaay

I'm finding out in the hardest way

The consequence of every mistake I've ever made

baby what’s it like to be alone

I don't wanna know

I don't wan- *Smack!

It turns out the first hit didn't turn it off, so I (being the half asleep lazy ass that I am) didn't feel like looking up to actually hit the off button and just smacked the alarm clock again...I think it worked this time. This made me very happy, until it started playing again and I realized my hand now hurt even worse and I would be forced to get up.

That problem was solved however when Zack decided to come and proceed to push me out of bed and shut my alarm clock off.

"Get your lazy but up!" He yelled as he walked out of the room. I just proceeded to moan and go back to sleep

After a little while though he realized I wasn't getting up, so he decided to send Evan in with a bucket of ice water.


I shot my head up only to be met with the metal that supports my bed. Apparently I move around in my sleep. As I start to pull myself out I start to hear a roar of laughter erupt from the culprit. Only seconds later Elliot appeared in the door way.

We Lost the Dream We never Had... (Bill Kaulitz Story)Where stories live. Discover now