Out of the closet, shoved right back in

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Name: Sam

Age: 14

Gender Identity: Bisexual (leaning lesbian), Gender queer

Preferred Pronouns: They/Them

My story starts as a little elementary school age girl. I always knew that I was different, after all, I had never really liked the idea of being extremely girly. I wore dresses when forced to, but otherwise loved to climb trees and play football. I was much more comfortable with the idea of being a dude than a girl, and that was just how it was. Figuring that I would figure this out at a later date, I pushed it to the back of my mind and continued on with my life.

Everything sort of resurfaced at the begenning of my 8th grade year, when I was in that akward teenager phase (I still am now). I was not only confused as to what gender I was, but also my sexuality. I had started to have an interest in girls as well as guys. Eventually, I did some research and found that the term that most described my sexuality was bisexual. Then it was on to finding the term for what I felt my gender was. After searching for a while, I found the word genderfluid. It seemed like the best fitting word at the moment, so I started identifying as such.

I came out to my mom as bisexual toward the end of 8th grade. It was right before I was going to go to bed when I stopped her, explaining to her that I liked both males and females. She just kind of got this strange look in her eyes, before turning off the light and closing the door. When she confronted me about it the next morning, she told me that she accepted me for who I was, but then proceded to tell me that I should change it. To be straight and face reality, because I am apparently just some attention seeker. A little.while later, I started feeling more that I was supposed to be a guy. It confuzled me, an  so now I go as gender queer while I figure it out. My mom will never know that I am gender queer, even though i think she is suspicious. She will never know.

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