Chapter 1 - Gold moves on

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Me: Hey, People! I'm back with another story! This involves sadness and forgotness. Enjoy! R&R!

"I miss him...."

Gold was sitting in his bed. Silver never came back when he disappeared. Gold looked at a photo frame of him and Silver at a carnival. He remembered a memory of them part ways.

//The memory://

"Hey, Gold?" Silver said.

"Yeah?" Gold replied.

"I need to talk to you. It's about us." Silver replied back.

"What is it?" Gold said.

"I am leaving the city for a long time. I need some time alone." Silver said.

Gold's eyes was filled with tears and anger.

"Why?!" Gold yelled.

Silver was shocked by Gold's reaction.

"Is it because you hate me?! We're friends!" Gold yelled at Silver's face.

"Gold! Calm down!" Silver yelled.

Gold slapped Silver in the face and ran off.

Silver covered the slap mark that was on his face and looked at Gold tearfully running off.

Silver had a sad look and decided he would leave now...

//End of Memory...//

Gold looks at the photo frame one last time and made a determined look. "I will move on. I will continue to move around without Silver." Gold said to himself. Gold went to the kitchen and told his mom about it and she nodded.

Silver got back from his long disapperance. Silver looked around for Gold. "Gold?" Silver said. He looked around once more. "Gold?" Silver said.

Nothing. No sign of Gold in the forest. "Hm, Maybe he is in the city." Silver said. He walked into the city and looked for Gold. Again, No sign of him. Silver started to get worried. "What if he is at home? Yeah. He might be at his house." Silver said. He walked to Gold's house. Suddenly, Gold went passed him. Silver stopped walking and turned around. Silver's look changed from worried to a shocked face.



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