Chapter 5 - Reunited

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Me: This is the final chapter of this story! Gold finally rememberes Silver and they reunite! Enjoy! R&R!

"I have to stop Gold from moving away!" Silver said and ran to the airport.


Gold was walking to the airport. He really couldn't handle his mother's death. He was moving to a another city so he doesnt have to worry about his mother dead. He still had forgotton about Silver. He wanted to move on from those sad moments. He hated Silver leaving. He hated his mother passing away. He was in the airport building. He was looking for a elevator.

With Silver...

Silver was in the same building as Gold was. He hated to see Gold leave. He ran and ran. He ran to find Gold. He ran passed Gold. Silver thought that it was just another young boy that is the same age as Gold. Gold saw two young kids and one of the kids ran to him. Gold smiled and petted the kids. The kids smiled and asked him questions. Gold answered the questions and they let him pass so he can go the elevator. Gold walked and walked to the elevator.


Silver then realized that the boy he passed by was Gold. He went back to the same place he passed Gold but Gold was not at that area anymore. He saw Gold walking to the elevator and ran after him. He had to stop Gold. He had to.

He saw Gold getting in the elevator. He ran there and stopped the elevator from moving. 'No...Not this time! Gold, I'm sorry for leaving you behind! You have to forgive me!' Silver thought in his head.

Gold noticed and looked at Silver. Tears was in Silver's eyes. 'Please remember me, Gold. I want to be with you for the rest of my life and forever until we die.' Silver thought in his head. Only to hear a serious reply from Gold. "It's you." Gold said. "It's me, Gold. It's me, Silver." Silver said in a sobbing tone. 'Who cares? Gold will never remember me. Even if he did, he would be so angry at me for leaving me behind.' Silver thought in his head.

Gold looks at him and does a small gasp. He finally remembered Silver. He grabbed Silver's arm and pulled him into a hug. 'He...He remembers me now? Yes...I did it! But what if he hates me? I want him to just hold me. Please, Gold. Don't leave me again.' Silver thought in his head.

Silver cried in the hug. Silver hugged Gold back tightly. "Silver..." Gold said. Then Gold and Silver looked at each other and kissed each other. Silver then continued to cry. 'I...I can't lose him again...I can't stop crying...! Is this my entire sadness and pain? Please never leave me Gold.' Silver thought in his head.

Gold hugged him. Silver hugged him back. "Shh. It's alright. It's okay now. It's okay." Gold said and Silver calmed down and fell asleep in Gold's arms. He woke up to kiss Gold. Gold kissed him back. 'He's...He's full of passion...! His lips...So soft...So sweet...Oh, Gold. Finally I can be with him again.' Gold hugged him and once the elevator was done moving into the room, Gold got out of the elevator and carried Silver. Silver wrapped his arms around Gold's neck to hold on onto him.

Silver and Gold left the elevator and walked out of the building to find out that they had loved each other and nothing could never break it.

"Hey, Gold?"

"Yes, Silver?"

"Can you carry me?"


Gold lifted Silver off his feet and carried him. Silver held onto Gold and kissed him in the cheek. Gold chuckled and kissed Silver's cheek back and walked with Silver holding onto him. Silver knew that Gold will forever love him and he knew that Gold will forgive him no matter what. He thought Gold was never going to forgive him but he did. He was glad he forgave him and fell asleep in Gold's arms.


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