Chapter 2 - Silver's Sadness

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Me: This is when things get loose. Things is gonna get worse in this chapter. Enjoy! R&R!

Silver looked at Gold passing him. Silver ran to Gold. "Gold!" Silver yelled.

"Who are you?!" Gold yelled back. "Gold, It's me. Silver! Don't you remember me?" Silver said. "What do you mean?!" Gold said. Silver froze. It looks like Gold had forgotton about him. "I don't think we ever met!" Gold said.

Silver stood there in shock. He couldn't believe this. Gold did forgot about him. "Just leave me alone!" Gold yelled. Silver looked at him with a face full of sadness. Gold shrugged him off and walked past him.

Silver turned around to watch Gold walk home. Silver was just filled with hurt and sadness. He can't remember what Gold just said. He ran all the way home with tears of hurt and sadness falling down his cheeks. He opened the front door and closed it. He ran all the way upstairs. He closed his room door and locked it. He jumped on his bed and cried himself to sleep.

The next day...

Silver didn't leave his room or the house. He was depressed that Gold had forgotton about him. He remembered what Gold said to him that made Silver depressed.

"Just leave me alone!"

Silver was filled with depression, hurt, and sadness. "I shouldn't have left Gold." Silver said. "If I didn't leave him alone, None of the would have happended." Silver said. Silver's eyes was began to fill with tears. He couldn't hold it anymore. He couldn't hold the pain anymore. He couldn't hold his sadness that was inside him. He wanted comfort. But Gold never came to comfort him. Silver covered his face with a pillow and sobbed.

How could this happen? Why did this happen? How long did he leave Gold alone? What would he do now? Would it be like this forever? Silver's thoughts was taking control of him and he cried harder.

"Why does this have to happen....?"


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