hearts are never broken.

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"Yoongi, wake up."

He groaned as he flipped
over to the other side.

"Yoongi, wake up!
You promised that we will
go out today."

He could hear her whine
beside his ear.

He turned his head and
face his pillow,
trying to hide the smile
growing on his face.

He pretended to sleep,
trying to piss her off.


He could imagine her pouting.

But she was by his side,

and his heart felt whole again.


"Yoongi? Yoongi!"

He was shaken awake.

By Namjoon.

"You fell asleep while
making music again."

It was all just a dream.

And his heart was shattered
to bits and pieces.

photograph | yoongi |Where stories live. Discover now