inside the necklace you got when you were 16.

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I finally found this!"

She yelled in happiness.

"What's that?"

Yoongi asked as he sat
beside her.

She was holding onto a
necklace with a locket.

"I bought this when I was
I saw in a movie that they put
their loved ones in these
kind of necklace and
brought them with them
wherever they go so they
will always be with them."

Her eyes glimmer with

"Ah, wait a minute."

Yoongi stood up and
went to his wallet.
He flipped it open and
started picking through it.

"Yoongi ah, what are you
searching for?"

Pulling out a piece of
passport size photo,
Yoongi gave her a gummy
smile and made his way back
to her.


The photo was a picture
of Yoongi.

The photo was taken in
a photo booth.

They went in one together
but before the camera went
Yoongi pushed her off the
seat so the photo only
captured him and his
gummy smile.

He placed the photo in
the locket firmly.

"There. I will always be
with you then."

photograph | yoongi |Where stories live. Discover now