under the lamppost back on 6th street.

333 33 4

She snapped a photo of
the lamppost that she
stood under.

It was partially covered
in snow and it looked
beautiful to her.

She attached the photo
to a message and sent it
to Yoongi.

remember this?"

Almost immediately,
she got a reply.

"Of course I do."

"How I wish you were
here with me.
It's too pretty for you
to be missing out on the
place you first asked me out."

"Who says I'm not?"

"What do you mean?"

"Turn around."

Quickly spinning around,
she sees Yoongi in his thick
coat with a bouquet of flowers.


She yelled in glee as she ran
into his arms.

"I missed you, jagi."

"What are you doing here?
You are not supposed to be
back so early."

"I realised that I didn't do
something before I left.

And I do not want to regret

As you know,
I'm very straightforward.


He got down on cone knee.

"Will you marry me?"

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