the party

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Not long after her mom had left with her boyfriend the twins JJ and Junior were safe at a soccer game and then to a friend's house. It seemed like everything was going according to plan for Gillian. Except for the baby and the angsty preteen that is.
"How come you get to have fun while I have to stay in my room and look after Diana ?" Lola whined.
"Sorry Hon', just how things are going to have to be"
"BUt I wanna go to a high school party"
"You will, when you're in highschool"
"Whatever god, it's like no one listens to me"
"Uhuh, yeah okay well go mope around in your room"
"WHAtEVER" with a swish of dirty blonde hair, Lola was gone.
"Woah, were we like that when we were her age?" I asked.
"So, are we inviting Jeremy?" I knew what her answer would be,but I'd hope she's say no.
"Of course??!"
"It's 6:30, people should be here soon"
"It's 6:30?!!, I HAvE To Get READy For Jeremy. This is the first time he's going to have seen me since school ended, he has to see how I've glowed up" she hurried into her room, which she shared with Lola, who had her headphones in and sulking.
"These glasses are so aesthetic, makes me look like a fun person, yeah?" I nodded.
She pulled a black shirt over her white bralette, and some fashionable glasses.
"Do I look okay?"
"Better than okay" I looked down to hide my blush. She laid down on the floor and took a selfie to see how she looked for herself.

Satisfied with the result we got the downstairs ready for a party, clearing away all the baby items

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Satisfied with the result we got the downstairs ready for a party, clearing away all the baby items.
"Lola look, Diana will probably sleep the whole time" Gilly said as she gave the baby to Lola, who took her and then slammed the door to the bedroom in our face.
"Delightful" Gillian looked at me and smiled, I almost melted.
"Hey could I borrow some lipgloss?" I asked.
"Of course, ya don't even have to ask" she reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out a shiny gloss and gave it to me.
"It looks nice on you, Helen. Better than on me, you should keep it, Hon' "
"Thanks" I smiled brightly. The doorbell rang. Gilly and I hurried to answer.
"Hey babe, you look even better than I remember" Jeremy said as he gave Gillian a hug. He sort of nodded at me and patted my shoulder as he walked in the house.
"Cool place" he looked around, put a hand through his dark auburn hair. Not long after Jeremy tons more people arrived. I lost track of Gilly, the house smelt of weed and scented vapes. I went upstairs to check on Lola and Diana. The door was locked.
"Lola" I yelled over the music downstairs.
"What?" She replied in a short tone.
"You okay?"
"Yeah we're fine, Diana was fussy awhile ago but we're watching Drake and Josh so she's distracted."
"Oh okay, well you know my number, text me if you need me to come back up" I heard "You GIvE Me Rashes, RASHES" from the other side of the door and then Lola laughing. I nodded to myself and made my way downstairs to find my best friend.
Small house, didn't take long to find her in her moms room. Entangled with Jeremy. I cleared my throat, they sprung apart. Gilly was only in her pretty white bralette and jeans.
"Helen!" She exclaimed.
"Wanna join?" Jeremy asked, Gillian elbowed his side and he laughed about how he was 'kidding'.
"Sorry, I uh. I was"I turned on my heel and moved as fast as I could to the backyard. It was empty. I sat on the old car tyre swing that hung from a tree. Gilly and I used to love this swing when we were younger. Memories came floating back and I felt tears in my eyes. Why'd it have to be her. Why did I have to fall in love with my best friend. I just want her to love me the way I love her. I don't know how long I was out there for, wallowing in self pity.
"Hon' why are you out here all lonesome?" I dried my tears quickly.
"Hon' are you crying?"
"Nno" I choked out.
"What happened?" Gilly asked, she squeezed next to me on the swing and put her arm around my shaking form.
"Well.. I like..this ..guy and.. I saw him with ...someone else" I sobbed out a lie.
"Woah woah, I didn't know you liked someone?? Why didn't you tell me??"
"because it was Chad" I lied again.
"But chad is such a loser, you could do so much better" she pulled me close. "Besides he'd be crazy to not like you" she added.
I smiled into the hug.
"I love you". I mumbled into her chest as my tears stained us both.
"Aw hon' I love you too"
"I wanna be yours" I whispered so she couldn't hear me. It just felt good to say it out loud. Even if no one heard..

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