The Planet That Is Seaboren IIII

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On the surface of Seaboren...

3rd person POV

"There goes another one Chop." "Ezra said as he watched another Tie patrol go by, "specter 6 we need you back at the Ghost A.S.A.P" Hera said through Ezra's COM "on my way specter 2" Ezra replied as he made his way back.

In the Ghost

Kanan's POV

"So are we all agreed?" Hera asked, everyone nodded except Ezra, he still wasn't back from his recon mission. "All right then, everybody get what you need. You've got 10 minutes." I said, but before anyone left she room, the common room door opened revealing Ezra and Chopper. "What did I miss?" He asked looking around at everyone. "Well, we've got a plan now I said." There was an awkward silence for about 45 seconds "care to expound on that?" Ezra said in a sarcastic tone Breaking the silence and making everyone laugh! That was Ezra all right, he always knows how to tern the most serious deadly moments into a hilarious joke! And yet he knows when it's time to be serious as well, some times I think he must have had to tern everything into a joke just to get through the day when he was still back on the streets of Lothall. (AN is that haw to spell it?)
"All right here's the plan Ezra" Hera began after everyone had stopped laughing.

Sabine's POV

"So you and Kanan go East." Hera said to Ezra. "Sabine Zeb and I will go west we meet back here at 0500 that gives you 6 hours, spent them wisely" Hera finished "oh and if you run into any Bucket heads, do not engage!" Kanan ordered, I started back to my room. I was in the hallway when Ezra shuffled up to me. "Hay I never got to say it, but you did a brilliant job on the helmet by the way" Ezra said. Ok Sabine this is your chance to see if he really was staring at you or if it just looked like it.

Ezra's POV

"Oh you liked it did you, well than what color was it?" Sabine asked me, I stopped walking. Oh CRUD! What color was it!? Come on Brain think! If I don't remember what color it was I'm dead! She might think I was just staring at her and not her work... which is actually what I was doing, but I can't let her know that! She'll think I'm I total CREAP! "Umm c-color? It w-was umm
w-well i-it was" eg-hem I cleared my throat, I was bright red now' and my ears felt like they were on fire and sweat was beading off of every part of me,

Sabine's POV

"w-well why d-dose it m-m-mater?" Ezra asked just trying to stall now.
I decided to put him out of his misery,
"I guess it doesn't matter... to you" I said with WAY More attitude than I meant to. I turned around and went to my room leaving Ezra in a sweaty pile, metaphorically of course.
I opened my door and entered my room. I refilled my spray guns, Cleaned my blasters, and reloaded my belt with thermal detonators, I looked at the time, I had 3 minutes left, so I just sat on my bed and thought about how angry I am at Ezra, wait why am I angry at Ezra? Well he did give me a fake complement, but at least I know he was staring at me.
But why can't I stop thinking about it?! Well I guess I do kind of like the attention. Maybe???

In the Imperial super star destroyer...

3rd person POV

An Inquisitor walked into Grand Admiral Thrawn's office. "Sir you asked to see me Sir," the Inquisitor said. "Yes 6th brother, Thrawn said without turning around..."
"I want you to pull out your squadrons" Thrawn said "What, ARE YOU CRA..." Thrawn turned around and looked at the 6th brother in the eye, the look on his face basically saying, go ahead make my day... the Inquisitor seemed to remembered who he was talking to and corrected himself by saying, "yes of course Grand Admiral, but may I ask why? "

"That is none of your concern. You are dismissed" Thrawn stated. the Inquisitor saluted, turned around and walked out the door. The Admiral took a few steps over to a Holo transmitter, and made a call to Coruscant...

(AN Well that's it it for this one I now it's kind of short but it is what it is so yeah bye guys! 👋☺️)

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