The One Man Massacre VIII

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Ok so the kind patient guys at apple, told me that my screen is...well, unfixable. So they said that for $250 dollars they could replace it for a brand new one, that's the same model of course. But that would mean that I lose all my memory. So all my photos, GONE! all my apps, GONE! my email, my Apple ID, my credit card information, all gone. Which is well, simply put, just pure bantha poodoo! But at least it's better than nothing...right? 😭 

AnyWho for celebration purposes, I'm making a new book which doesn't have a name yet, but needs one, so I'm going to give you a summary of it and based off of it you tell me what you think it should be called.

(Summary: Have you ever wondered... what would have happened, if Anakin never became Darth Vader. If Ahsoka never left the order. If Order 66 never happened. Well I'll tell you, THE CLONE WARS never ended. Palpetine retreated, and transformed the Separatist Alliance into the galactic Empire. But I'll tell you right now... this, is a story, that doesn't get a happy ending, a happy beginning, or... a happy you guessed it center!) 😂 Ok so maybe I've been watching to much Lemony Snickets, but you get the point. But yeah in my new book, Rebels and CLONE WARS share the same timeline. So like I said Coming soon... BLANK title's up to you guys! that's all, and thanks for reading to the end of this AN.

Also I'll put an actual summary when I publish it so, yup read on y'all!


(??? POV)

I stared at the holographic figure in front of me. He really gives me the creeps, with his wheezy mechanical breathing, and the fact that no one's ever seen his actual face without his helmet on. I tried to end the conversation by saying "I understand lord Vader, I will be there in 17 hours" "Good." Vader responded before his hologram disintegrated into thin air. I hate doing jobs for the Impair, especially when that guy is around. but they always pay me well, so who am I to complain. Besides it's better than working with Wookies. I walked out of my tint and into the pouring rain of Kasheek to prep my ship for flight, and to get my payment from the Wookies. H-5-P-C was the comounikater droid that the Wookie general "Sheelko'a" had provided me with. It's brown unsymmetrical paint job, (which I assume was rust.) was getting pelted with rain drops the size of grapes!
I walked over to it and said "Hay! you" it pointed at it's chest with its own metal finger as if to wordlessly ask "Who, me?" I answered it's unasked question by saying "Yeah you! Get over here, or I'll blow your other arm off!" I had previously blasted its left arm off at the shoulder when it had interrupted me for the fifth time. It followed behind me, as we ascended into one of the huge trees that the Wookie's had hollowed out, and made into a large room. Once we were inside, I noticed that "Sheelko'a" and the other Wookie's, were visibly angry. One of theme pointed at me, and continued yelling at the others. Or maybe he was just talking, not yelling, you can never really tell with Wookie's. The one who had pointed at me earlier, threw his head back in frustration and he  yelled in a particularly loud tone "ERRRRRAAA WOOOOUUUREE GOOOOHARR!" Which happens to be the only Wookie word I know. It roughly translated to, "Something something, Empire something something, idiot" Dang it! They must have tracked my transmission back to the Empire! Suddenly the translator droid started translating what they were saying. "General Sheelko'a says" the Droid started. "We trusted you, we gave you shelter, food." The Droid stopped and waited for more to translate. "Arrrrrhooo mooooouuuiinm goooooura!" The Droid now continued translating "You were tasked with one job. And you did that job well... but, haw can I trust a bounty hunter, WHO HAS A BOUNTY ON HIS HEAD!?" One of the guards pulled out a holographic image of me, it showed my face from the front and side and underneath my picture was the number, 50,000. I recognized it as a wanted poster. At this point, I'm pretty sure I know where this is going. So I pretended to still be listening to the conversation as I silently reach for the pistol that was strapped to my hip. "AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, YOU CONTACTED THE EMPIRE!?!?!" I let out of long sigh. "Look" I started "if you let me walk out that door right there without a hitch" I pointed at the door I had come in through "I promise that after you pay me, you'll never have to see me again. And, as an upside, you'll all get to keep your lives." The General had a look of humor on his face, as if he was holding back laughter. "Come on Sheelko'a" I continued "do the smart thing here, think about your family, or at least your men!" That seemed to anger him agin. He pointed at me and said something in Wookie. The guards that had been standing at every entrance surrounded me and started closing in. I sighed for the second time today. "I didn't want to do this" I mumbled under my breath. "Just know, Sheelko'a, I warned you" I said in a deep menacing tone. I unholstered my pistol, and in the blink of an eye had gunned all five generals down. Including Sheelko'a. They hit the ground with a thump. I turned and blasted one of the guards, who were running now. Before his body hit the ground I had shot the Guard to the right of him. Leaving only one left. Before I could turn around and blast him too, he tackled me to the ground. "Now, I'm no weakling, but there's no way that I can lift a Wookie in this gravity!" He pinned my arms above my head, and legs to the ground in an attempt to keep me down. But because both my hands were crisscrossed above me at the wrists, I was able to press the button on my right wrist gauntlet, which activated my jet-pack. Before this poor Wookie fool new what was happening, we were both thrown out the door by the pure force of the rocket-like engine. Our bodies slammed into the banister that lined the ramp that coiled around the tree all the way to the bottom. The impact from the banister had totaled my jet-pack, but I was just glad it hadn't set of the missile that was indebted into the pack. The Guard and myself had both lost our weapons during our ride across the floor. I planted my palms on the wet wood of the deck, and pulled myself up. I was the first one on my feet because I had the advantage of my size and weight. "Hay I guess it is true, what goes around DOES comes around!" I refocused.  And realized that my opponent was on his hands and knees in an effort to stand up faster. I took it as an advantage and charged at him. Just before I ran into him I brought my right leg back, and threw it forward planting it in his ribs. He fell again onto his back. And made a painful sounding grunt. I leapt on top of him , colliding my fist with his face repeatedly. In self defense now, he threw his arm up in a last ditch effort to stop me. His arm hit me square in the face, I could feel blood trickling from my nose, it probably would've broken it if I weren't wearing my helmet. He brought his knee up hitting me in the chest. I got off of him and stood up, still a little bewildered from the hit I took. He stood up as well. I could see by the look on his face that he thought he had the upper hand. I chuckled and brought my hand up in the air beside my head. I balled my hand into a fist, and with a flick of my wrist,  a dagger-like metal blade slide out of its sheath which was aligned with the underside of my forearm.

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