The Crystal Core Of Seaboren V

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On the Ghost

3rd person POV

"Alright everyone lets move" Kanan said as the Ghosts ramp opened. They started walking out of the cave that the Ghost was hidden in. Ezra felt like a failure after what happened between him and Sabine a couple minutes ago he couldn't even look her in the eyes. Sabine felt really bad for being a jerk to Ezra for no reason. She was trying to think of something to say, but every conversation she ran through her head ended in her apologizing to Ezra. And she just couldn't bring herself to do that. Hera was talking to Kanan about how wired Ezra and Sabine were being. Zeb was purposely bumping into Chopper over and over as they walked and he was silently laughing as he did it...

Kanan's POV

"So maybe I should go with you. and Zeb Sabine and Ezra can go together...?" Hera asked me "Well I'll never object to spending one on one Quality time with you, but why are we changing the plan again Hera?" I asked "Because Ezra and Sabine seem to have a problem with each other and I figured maybe if they had more time together they could work it out... and also with so many Bucket heads around it's a good idea to have a Jedi on both teams" Hera said. "Well when you put it like that..."I responded"

Sabine's POV

Right before we got out of the mouth of the cave Kanan and Hera stopped walking and Kanan said "alright guys there's been a change in plan, Hera's going with me instead of Ezra."Wha why, no I knew it I've been REPLACED!" Ezra sarcastically shouted. "Shut it Kid your going to us all killed!" Zeb whisper shouted. I cut in by saying "But in all seriousness why is Ezra coming with us???" "Oh I'm hurt, I'm so very very hurt, Bine haw could you?!" Ezra said before he protected to  collapse. I started slightly smiling even though I didn't want to. "Ah ha I gotcha! Boom in yo face Saby" Ezra said before switching over to a cute voice and saying "Come on you know you want to smile I can see it in you're eyes." At this point I couldn't handle it any more and I couldn't help but grin so I put my helmet on to hide it. So I guess Ezra's not mad at me for being a jerk to him. Good that means things can go back to normal...

3rd person POV

In the Imperial Star Destroyer

A hologram appeared in front of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
"What is your report Grand Admiral." I deep artificial sounding voice asked.
"We have trapped the rebels on the surface of Seaboren, just as you Commanded Lord Vader." Thrawn replied.

(A.N I don't know what the relationship between Vader and Thrawn is, Sense I never read the book or anything so sorry if I get something wrong)

"Good, I will oversea this operation personally prepare for my arrival by the end of the day." Vader said while stopping to breathe in between every other sentence. "As you wish my Lord" Thrawn" replied. And the hologram disappeared leaving Thrawn in his Office by him self...

With the Ghost crew

Zeb's POV

"Is anyone else finding it wired that we haven't seen a single
Bucket-Head" I asked my team as we continued to walk endlessly through dry grass lands. "Yeah, and by the way did anybody else see this grass while we were in space? Cus I sure didn't." Ezra replied.
"Something about this place just feels really weird!" Sabine said
"Do you think Kanan and Hera have had any luck?" I asked. Ezra replied by saying "maybe but we should Focus on the mis........" "Ezra? Hello Ezra,? Lothal to Ezra!" Sabine said while waving her hand in front of Ezra's face. Suddenly Ezra grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the ground as he yelled "GET DOWN!" Instinctively I jumped to the ground. Just barely missing a blaster bolt that whizzed passed my head.
I looked back and saw an Inquisitor with a large battalion of
storm troopers.

Hera's POV

"I know, I know he's not an undisciplined little kid anymore but I just don't think Ezra is ready to start going on missions without me yet." Kanan said "look Love I know he's your student and only you can decide when he's ready. But you didn't see him while you were... well umm taking a break A while back. he really stepped up and sure he was controlling but he was running this team and he didn't do a bad job at it." I said. but before he could respond we heard a blaster go off, and then another and another. "They're in trouble" I said "Come on let's go" Kanan said as he put his light saber together and started running toward the noise.

Sabine's POV

"Ehrr there's just to many of them. We can't keep doing this!" I yelled over the chaos as I blasted another trooper with one of my pistols. "Ok here's the plan you guys go find better cover over that Hill I'll distract them while you go, ok?" Ezra asked. I was about to protest but Ezra had already holstered his blaster grabbed his light saber and run off toward the Troopers. "Come on let's go Zeb yelled as he blasted one more Trooper and dashed off toward the hill. I looked back at Ezra. He had ignited his light saber and was deflecting every laser bolt shot at him back at the trooper who shot it. As he ran straight for the Inquisitor.

At the Imperial base on the surface of Seaboren.

3rd person POV

All the generals and troopers straightened their posture as the ramp to an Imperial transport shuttle opened and a man in a black suit and breathing apparatus emerged.
(A.N not like suit and tie kind of suit)
"Ahh lord Vader right on time" a Brave General said as he started to walk next to Vader. "I assume you know where the Rebels are" Vader said. Obviously wanting to get to the Point "Yes sir three of the insurgents are currently in combat with our forces on the far side of Seabo..." "You fool" Vader interrupted him. "Your leading them right to the entrance!" "O-oh I-I umm thought t-that we w-w-would corner theme in, a-and th... he stopped talking when he felt his throat close and his feet lift of the ground. "They mustn't find out about tho core or we are all at risk" Vader said as the Generals eyes slowly closed for the last time. And Vader released him from his force grip letting his hand slide back down to his side and continued walking.......



(A.N so that's it guys sorry it took so long to update. The next chapter is going to have a lot more action. And possibly some dismembered limbs so yeah bye! And by the way I didn't have time to spellcheck it so tell me in the carpets if I had any spelling errors please) 👋😁



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