Agony VII

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AN did anyone else see the Ghost in the new Rogue One trailer?!?!

Sabine's POV

So apparently leapfrog is Ezra holding up the dirt wall while Kanan goes over and extends the wall further to the right, and then Ezra drops his section of the wall goes to the end of Kanan's extended portion and extends that and so on and so forth. So yeah leapfrog I guess. Thankfully I'm not just along for the ride I fond a way to be quite useful. "Sabine there's a automatic canon being set up somewhere, find it and put it out of commission" "You got it Kanan" I had my viewfinder on heat vision so I was able to see the storm troopers heat signatures even through the dirt wall. I scanned the area until I spotted a trooper on his knees putting something together. That must be the canon. I set my sights on him and... my pointer finger pulled the trigger. A red bolt left the end of the barrel of my pistol, it flew through the dirt wall and hit the trooper in his back. After that I continued to blast troopers left and right as we slowly led them further and further away from where we had hid the Ghost.

Hera's POV

BOOM! Zeb pushed me out of the way just in time to miss whatever that was "AHGG!" Zeb cried as he fell to the ground. some sort of thick purple blast had hit him directly in the back. "ZEB!!!" I screamed as I scrambled over to him on all fours. He was laying on his side, his eyes were bulging and his moth was gaped open, but he wasn't moving. "ZEB?!" I shouted again. I laid my hand on his back and started saying "Zeb come on buddy we can..." but I stopped when his facial expression  went from shock to pain. Instantly I took my hand off of him... "you are surrounded. Surrender or die!" The same mysterious voice said. I looked up and saw that, I was surrounded...

In one of the many Imperial bases.

"This opportunity is do great to miss... you will recover this operation Lord Vader." "It will be done, my lord." "Gooood" The Sith Lord known as Darth Sidious said with a wide yellow toothed grin. His hologram disappeared, and Vader stood from the kneeling position he had been  in. He turned around and headed toward the door. It opened with a hiss, and he walked out into the ocean of overwhelmed Imperial officers trying to locate the rebels ship. As he walked everyone tensed up and quieted down. It gave him great satisfaction to know that everyone in the room was terrified of him. He reached the end of the large room and opened another door leading into a long hallway. he started down the hallway with his cape flowing behind him. As he came to the door at the end of the hall, he stopped walking. And instead of going through the door, he turned left so that he was facing the wall. He extended his arm and placed his hand on the wall. In a matter of seconds there was a glowing red outline around his hand. He removed his hand from the wall, and a portion of it slipped back and slid over to the left, leaving a hole the size of a door. He stepped into the dark room and the wall slowly slid back into place behind him...

Ezra's POV

"Kanan, I can't keep this up much longer!" I yelled. I was thoroughly exhausted after about 45 minutes of building and holding this stupid wall up! "I know I'm losing my strength too but we gotta keep moving" Kanan responded. "You gays look! It's another crashed Tie maybe we could hold theme off, and wait for the Ghost over there and besides we could stop and rest a little" Sabine chimed in "good idea, but no we..." "THERE THEY ARE, OPEN FIRE!" A trooper screamed. I turned around and released that they had outflanked us. I lost focus and dropped the wall leaving us surrounded from both sides. They started blasting and we barely had any time to doge the on coming fire. Sabine did her best to try and shoot both storm trooper groups without being shot herself. Kanan drew his light saber and started deflecting blasts. And I did the same. "We're sitting ducks out here!" Sabine cried "she's right Kanan we need some cover, or we're dead meat!" I said "all right we're gonna make a break for it over that hill, on my mark 3...2...1 GO!" Kanan shouted. We all started running up the hill as fast as we could. Once we reached the top we started down the other side, but I lost my footing and tripped falling forward. On my way down I tried to regain control of where I went, but it was a mistake. I slammed into Sabine causing both of us to roll the rest of the way down. We slowly came to a stop, I was on top of her and our faces were barely even centimeters apart, I could feel her breath on my face. I could feel the quick rising and falling of her chest under mine. Everything seemed to slow down, I couldn't hear the Storm troopers behind us anymore, I didn't hear Kanan yelling my name, all I heard was the slow and yet steady breathing of the girl beneath me, I continued to stare at her and watch as the wind ever so slightly blew her hair. Only one word came to my mind, beautiful... she's just so, beautiful and perfect and colorful, and blushing and, wait... blushing, OH MY GLOB I'M STILL SITTING ON TOP OF HER!!! Everything sped back up and I realized Kanan was screaming my name. Suddenly a flurry of lasers started showering down the hill on all three of us.!

So that's it for this part. I hope you're all enjoying the story, and if you have any suggestions, by all means please tell me. Feedback is vary much appreciated... 😊

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