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"So how are you and christian doing? I want alllll the details!" My best friend Maecie said. I rolled my eyes and laid next to her on my bed looking up to the cieling.

"Its perfect ! He's perfect its just.." I sighed . "never mind.."

"Ugh.cmon Luce! Tell me." She groaned and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Its just..boring?" It came out more of a question rather then a statement. "He's perfect and all. And were good together but it isn't the kind of relationship I want."

"Well do you love him?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "No not really. I don't know." I sighed.

There was an awkward pause as I watched my friend stand up . her caramel , wavy, long hair flowing down her back and highlighting her tan yet fair skin. Se sighed as she put on her red converse that matched her marvel t shirt.

She crossed her arms and bore her hazel eyes into mine while raisning an eyebrow. "Come on." I gave her a confused look to this she rolled her eyes and grinned. "Enough depressing talk. Get your ass up. Were gonna go out. Get something to eat? Mystic grill?"

I grinned at her and lazily got off the bed. "Ok." I groaned at her as I put on my vans.

She walked in front of me down the stairs .her curvy yet almost small body quickly going down the steps. I felt so lucky to have a great friend like her. She was pretty and sweet but bad ass if she had to be and for some reason decided to spend her Friday nights with me.

We got into her car and drove to The Mystic Grill. A nice restaurant/ bar that everyone in town would go to.

We arrived as It was getting somewhat dark outside which made me nervous. Night time was never the best time to go out in Mystic Falls ,there's been a lot of murders and disappearances here that have gone unsolved and unlike Maecie i wasn't that brave.

We got out of the car and entered. "Hey Alex." Maecie grinned at our friend who wormed there while leaning against the front stand. "Can we have our usual seat please?" Her sweet voice asked.
"Anything for you Marcie!" Alex smirked.

I smiled at myself as I followed her to our usual booth near the bar. I loved how she was so good with people especially boys. Boys loved her . yet she had to go out with a jackass. There's been countless times she's cried and countless bruises shes had from her boyfriend Tim. And boy did I hate him...

"Um. Can I have a burger and fries. And an ice tea. Thanks!" She  gave her order. The waiter wrote it down then turned to me

"Uh I'll have the same." I awkwardly smiled.

I watched her as she tugged down her cardigan sleeve to cover a bruise on her wrist. Shed been tugging on her cardigan all day and so far I haven't said anything.  It seems every time I bring it up she gets defensive.

"Uh Maecie." I awkwardly said her name unsure on how to approach the situation.
"Hmm?" She innocently hummed.

"Has Tim been hurting you again?" I slowly asked as I looked down at the table.

She sighed. "No why would you think that?" She questioned her voice getting a little high. She did that when she lied.
I raised an eyebrow at her. She sighed in annoyance. "Ok ...he got a little upset last night. but it was my fault I accidental my broke one of his football trophies. "

"I hope you know he's a fucking douche." I said out of anger. We both got quiet as the server gave us our food and drinks. Instantly Marcie sipped her tea clearly wanting a subject change.

"Can we not talk about this please?" She asked pleading me with her eyes. Tim already put her through hell and I didn't want to make it worst.

"Ok." I said defeated. "How's your aunt?" I asked

"She's good. Keeps going out at night.I wish I knew what she was up too." She said as she ate some of her food. I took a bite out of my Budger.

"Maybe she's working or part if a club or something." I shrugged. "Have you asked her what she's doing?" I questioned.

"No every time I bring it up she says its not my concern." She shrugged.

"Weird." I said. She nodded. I glanced at the door as a guy came in. I took a double take at him. His crystal blue eyes meeting mine. He smirked at me and winked before sitting himself at the bar. Naturally my eyes followed him and his every move.

I watched the stranger wanting to drown every bit of him. His leather jacket, his drak hair, fair skin, and those eyes. Though I didn't know him there seemed to be something pulling me too him yet an uneasy feeling too.

"Hello earth to Lucinda!" My attention snapped back to Maecie.

"Oh uh sorry." I said as I glanced back to the stranger who was now looking at me with a devilish smirk on his face. He drank his drank and rasied it  as if to say hello. I smiled in return and looked at Maecie who eyed the guy.

She shook her head and leaned across the table. "Luce stay away from that dude."

"Huh?" I bit my lip.

"Don't play stupid with me I know you too well." She rasied her eyebrow at me.

"Ok..who is he?" I asked curiously as I glanced back to him. He was helping himself to another drink and chatting away with a woman who sat next to him. Which made me shift in my seat.

"Well my aunt told me all about him. His name is Damon Salvatore.." She spoke quietly and glanced back at him to make sure he wasn't listening. "He's a drunk mostly. And his brother goes to our school. Stefan. But he's been associated with a lot of people that have disappeared. And he's associated with the council. Aunt Stella thinks his a murder and she thinks the council is covering it up for him."

"But there's no evidence to support that." I suggested. For some strange reason that I couldn't explain I wanted to defend him. Damon. And I didn't know why.

"Even if there's no evidence he's still..shady." She shook her head and took another bite of her food. "I don't trust him. Just stay away." She said.

"Says the one who's dating the biggest asshole I've ever met." I sighed eating my food.

"Whatever I dont-" she cut herself off as her eyes darted past me. I turned around as Tim approached.

"Speaking of the devil." I frowned.

"Hello to you to Luce. " he fake smiled at me .

Maecies eyes lit up heaven only know why. "Hi Tim!" She smiled. He smiled back at her.

"Maecie uh I came to pick you up." He muttered impatiently.

"Why?" She asked.

"Cause I'm bored and your my girlfriend?" He said in a matter if fact tone. "Cmon let's go." His voice was annoyed. I scowled at him.

"Is it ok if I go Luce? Please?" She looked at me uh.

I rolled my eyes."sure." She smiled happily. "I'll finish up here." I said.

"Thanks Luce!" She said getting up and heading off with tim.

"Hey can I have the check please?" I asked the waitor.

"Sure." He says. As he walks off someone slides into the booth now sitting in front of me. Its damon.I open my mouth to say something but no words come out.

"What's the matter cat got your tongue?" He smirks.

"Oh uh.. Sorry ." I say.

"Its ok I have that effect on woman " he cocks his eyebrow and takes a swig of a drink that he brought with him to the table.

"Um alright then. Hi I guess." I say a bit confused.

"Hi." He smiled . "Lucinda right?" He tilts his head as he asks. I nod. "Well Luce. I couldn't help but overhear you and your friend talking about me."

How could he hear that? If he was all the way over there?

"How-" he cuts me off.

"I have very very good ears lucey." He winks. "What do you say we get outta here?"

"Um.." I humm out. I bits my  bottom lip thinking about what Maecie said. "Sure." I smile. "Why not?"

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