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2365 Floral lane..

 I sighed as i pulled up to the house. I felt a certain guilt inside me for having to do this. Of course leave it to damon to do all the dirty work right? But the last thing we need is a new threat. Things have died down and everything seemed to be ok for a while. Like it would stay that way . 

I got out of the car and swiftly made my way up to the front door giving it a seemingly innocent knock. There was no reply. 

"Great.." i mumbled. "Shes not home." I took a deep breath in and noticed the window to the right of the door which was slightly cracked open. A brilliant idead crept over me. I approached the window and lifted it open maming sure to enter the house silently. 

" ok.." i mumbled to myself. "Objective one is taken care of. Now wheres Maecie?" I said as i looked around the empty house. 

I entered the first room on the right which looked nothing like the average teens room. So i moved on to the next room... and ..A-Ha ! Bingo. Maecie Williams room. 

" so now? I guess we wait." I sighed lazily as i jumped onto her bed laying  down. I looked around at her room. Blue walls, a few marvel superhero posters, a couple stuffed animals, and... a picture of her and luce. I studied the photo at Luces long hair, her smile... she seemed happy. I once felt that too. Happy. And suddenly it hit me. It wasnt fair what i was doing to her. Holding her hostage just to figire out her friend. As strange as it may be.. what gave me the right to come into her life and meddle with it. Decide wether she lived or died. And play god? Desperate to get the thought out of my mind i grabbed the stuffed animal next to me and fumbled around with it. But it didnt help... i looked at the picture and squinted one eye while playing with the teddy bears arm. I sighed standing up and approaching the picture attached to the wall. I took it in my hand before slipping it into my jacket pocket. I shook my head. 

" this isnt right..." i sighed before leaving.


I shivered against the cold concrete wall that i leaned against. I bit my lip hard trying to fight the tears that were coming on. I wanted to go home. I was tired and cold. My eyelids felt heavy and puffy from crying. I rubbed them attempting to rub away the feeling.. but i was unsuccessful. 

My attentions snapped as the cell door opened.

" I swear to god if you hurt her-" i felt my voice rise up in anger but he cut me off sitting next me.

"Relax princess. " he said as he pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. I turned it over and felt my heart sink when i saw it. It was a picture of me and maecie. We took it last year on her birthday by the lake. I remember it vividly because that was the day i had gotten drunk and had to crash at Maecies place. I felt my eyes prickle with tears. 

" What did you do to her?" I whispered studing the picture. 

"Nothing. She wasnt there. So i waited. Ans i began thinking. It wasnt fair to you or her." He said as he looked me in the eye. 

"Get some rest kid. Ill take you home tomorrow" he sighed before giving me a sad look and leaving.

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