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Damon's POV:

"Where are we going?" She asked me as I gently yet forcefully tugged on my meals hand to the car.

"Uh..I don't know. We can go anywhere pumpkin." I huffed out a bit annoyed with her already. But I continued with a fake smile and tried to be as polite as possible. I took the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the car, she slid into the passenger seat after I opened the door for her.

I got in the front seat and pulled out of the parking lot, speeding my way towards my house. "So doll, who was that friend of yours, the one you were talking to?" I asked raising an eyebrow and remembering the scent of something familiar yet outrageous. The smell of wolf mixed with something else...

"Why?" She frowned and crossed her arms. "Let me guess? Your interested in her?" She sighed.

I gave her a fake yet reassuring smile. "No doll I'm interested in you! I'm just curious on how she knew me." I said clenching my teeth with annoyance.

"She's my friend. Maecie. Her aunts on the council." She spoke sweetly. I felt something for this girl...maybe pity? She probably just wanted a normal night with her friend but instead she's gonna be my dinner. I took one glance at her before returning my eyes to the road. Her dark hair and big eyes burning in my head. What is this? When did I ever feel guilty? I shook the thought out of my head as I pulled into the drive way of the house. We both got out as Stefan came through the front door.

"Ah Stefan! Going so soon?" I said as Stefan awkwardly glanced at me and nodded. I turned to Lucinda and smiled politely. "Luce darling, can I have a moment alone with my brother?" To this she shyly nodded. "Why don't you just go ahead inside and I'll be there in a few." I winked as she went into the house.

✕Powered By delta toolbar"Ok Stefan listen." I said in a hushed tone. "That girl had a friend with her tonight-" Stefan raised a hand and cut me off.
"Damon if this is your way of saying I need to drink or eat her friend I'm not up to that." He frowned.

"No Stefan listen. At the grill they were sitting and talking. When I entered I smelt something. It smelt like a were wolf but not fully one.. not a vampire either. It was some kind of hybrid smell only I don't think it was wolf and vampire. It was something else." I sternly said.

His face grew serious and with worry. "Damon what do you plan to do with that girl?" He asked.

"Well I was gonna drink her dry. Why?" I asked.

"No. No. Lock her downstairs. We might need her depending if this friend of hers is a threat or not." He nodded. "I got to go. You can handle everything ok right?" He asked.

"Of course!" I said. With that he walked away and I entered the house to find Lucinda sitting on the couch all precise and proper like. Good little girl. I frowned at the thought of having to drag her forcefully downstairs. But I shrugged the thought off with the rest of the guilt and sympathy I had left. I might be an asshole to everyone but I sure know how to get things done.

She looked up at me flAshing me those beautiful innocent eyes of hers. Those normal eyes. She seemed to burst with all the humanity in the world, humanity, was something I could.barely remember.

"So luce.." I muttered while pouring my self a glass of brandy and sitting down next to her. "Tell me about yourself?" I sighed out not really wanting the full details.

"Well um ..I like old music. I've never been out of Mystic falls. Um.. my fAvorite colors blue." She awkwardly said.

"Oh. That's nice." I boringly sighed. "Hey I gotta get some stuff from downstairs. Wanna help?" I winked at her. She bit her lip nervously.

"Sure." She said unsure. Her answer cutting me like a knife because deep down I really wished she hadn't even agreed to come with me tonight.

I got up and led her

"There's some wine in there." I said referring to the cell in our basement. "Could you get it?"

"Sure." She said and went in. Instantly I closed the door on her and locked her in.

She turned around and gasped.

"Hey let me out!" She screamed.

"Sorry darling. I can't." I took one last look at her and turned away. She screamed and sobbed as I left. "I'm just doing what I have to.." I mumbled.

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