Where it Began

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                 This is dedicated to Donald Trump who inspired me to write this and notjustarandomgirl  who is my favorite author 😍👌❤️ this also goes out to my family and people who hate Islam

My story begins in the place where my dad is one of the best, biggest business owner of Export Import in Kabul, Afghanistan where we lived in a  beautiful, big house. The  air filled with the smell of bazaars and animals. Although, he never really mentions anything too specific about it I know my dad was very proud and happy about it. That all changed when the war started. My Mom, from what I was told, was an amazing woman who did what she could to have us come to America because she feared for our future. Both of my parents valued education and was the main reason that they decided to move so that their own children would be able to have and opportunity to learn. For that I will be forever grateful because if I were to still be there not only would I not have a good education, but also might end up being dead. That is only one outcome for me; however, there are many others who are going through this. Thankfully that's not my story. Instead my story continues to the part where my family learns that my mother's hair had just fallen out, if I remember correctly, while she had finished eating an apple and that seed hit the floor pretty hard. She then proceeded to wear wigs until she reached her inevitable doom of breast cancer when I was three. I remember her death where people were crying, yelling for her to wake up and I couldn't understand why because I had thought that she was now a step closer to going to heaven and not in this world anymore. What I also remember was that someone had said, "Mafame ooh key ast?" pointing at the coffin. Which means if I knew who she was in Farsi/ Dari. Of course I answered yes which made her cry more than she already was and said that's right and that confused me; thus, I went to bring a pillow to my brother, who had asked for one earlier, and he ended up throwing it while he was trying not to cry but was obvious that he was. After that we used to go visit her grave and we would get this rock to knock on her grave because we believed that she would be able to hear us, don't ask how cause even I don't know, we continued that for many months until we found out that the paper she had filled out for us going to America was approved. Everything happened pretty fast after that we got ready to go to the airport, which I was told that they had messed up our flight, and we landed in New York but was only there for a day only to arrive in Idaho. Idaho was my favorite part of my childhood because we felt like we belonged there. Our new neighbors were Muslims as well which was awesome because we didn't know how to speak English well at that time. When my dad was enrolling us for school we found out that my sister was too young to go even though she was only a year younger than I was. Me and my bother ended up having a class together and he was four years older than me we managed to have that one class together. I found out that my dad had already enrolled my brothers in a computer class and a Quran class, class that teaches the holy scriptures of Islam, before we came to America; therefore, he got good grades. One of the highlights of coming to Idaho was when my dad, his friend,Carol, my sister, and me were shopping and I had saw this ocean like ball that I wanted. Carol convinced my dad that it was a good idea that we get and wanted to even pay for us but my dad;, thus, my dad, being as stubbornly as he was, payed and buying the the ball was not in his mind anymore until we got home that is. When we got home my brothers wanted to play with the ball and decided it was a good idea to kick it up to the ceiling little did we know it would end up breaking, shattering the glass  that was connected to the light. At fist I was too socked to even move but once I did I panicked and moved and a part of  the glass hit the side of my eye. I did not feel it I asked my brothers and sister if I was bleeding and in unison they said yes and that's when I screamed and ran into the other room. At this time my dad was taking a shower and had no idea what was happening. My brother decided to knock on the shower for and tell my dad what happened and responded with, "o padarnalate sag"  a phrase which here can be interpreted
as didn't I tell you not to play with balls inside the house.
Hey guys if liked this pls comment and follow me on insat and twitter @saharrazai :)

Part 2 is coming soon ❤️

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