Chapter 7: good ole days

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(A/n you guys don't even realize how happy I am. I haven't even reached the 10th chapter and I'm already a little over 4 THOUSAND reads, that's a lot of people reading something that I made )

Keana POV

So I told Nicole everything and when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING that has been going on with me lately. Her response was surprisingly cool but she was mostly disappointed that I waited this long to tell her. After that she drove me to my house and decided to stay for the night.

Once we walked in the door my kitten Neko pounced on my leg, and started scratching at it. I picked the astatic feline up to calm her down from her excitement.

The first time I saw Neko was when she was sleeping beside my car one morning. She had no collar on her and she was also dangerously skinny. I took her to the vet right after and left her there for the day, but I couldn't stop thinking about how cute she was for that whole day, so after work I went back and took her home with me.

"So what are you gonna do." She said while sipping on her coke.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Well are you gonna tell him that ya'll went to high school together?"

"No, I have no need to anyways. It'll just be random and awkward if I just went up to him like 'Hey, its Keana Carter. Remember me? We went to high school together, even though you hated me back then I hope we can be friends now.' "

" I don't see anything wrong with saying that."

"Bitch......the door."


*few weeks later*

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*few weeks later*

It's been a few weeks since Dylan's first day at the school and let me tell you it's like high school all over again. He became pretty popular with the student body; specifically with the females, even the staff. I see him everyday in the hallway and not once have I seen him walking alone. It's either a female co-worker trying to get all up on him and flirt or the male co-workers thinking that he's cool as shit and try to be best friends with them.





The bell rang which was a signal for the student's to go to their other classes. My students stayed in their seats because 'the bell doesn't dismiss them, I dismiss them'.

"Just remember we are going to the computer lab tomorrow so you don't have to bring your stuff to my class." I waved them off to go to the next class.

Since this period is my planning period I'm going to the library to get a head start on next week's lesson.

I decided to leave my belongings in the classroom and only take my flash drive with me. I walked out of the classroom and locked the door behind me. I started walking to the library and a few seconds into the walk, GUESS WHO I SEE COMING AROUND THE CORNER WITH MS.CORKER AROUND HIS ARM! IMMA TELL YOU WHO. DYLAN F'N KINGSTON!

I swear I can't get a break.

I'm always trying to avoid him but I always end up seeing him. If I don't see him in the hallway, I see him in the teachers break room. If I don't see him there, I see him in the cafeteria. If I don't see him there then I'm probably dead because I see him every where.

I do the usual and pretend to not see them and continue to look forward without a care in the world, but this time was a little different.

I felt my spine tingling, which is what usually happens to me when I sense someone looking at me and of course my dumb ass reacted to the feeling and started looking around which caused me to look straight up at Dylan; or as my coworkers call him, "Mr. Tall, tan, and handsome". Instead of ignoring my existence like we always do to each other, he was staring at me this time. Once we made eye contact he surprisingly gave me a friendly smile which honestly scared the crap out of me, so I looked away.

Nice going Keana, way to be casual!

When I finally got to the library, I printed out everything I needed for next week. After everything was printed out and sorted by class period I then realized, "How am I gonna carry all this to my room?"

I'm a person that likes doing everything on one go, so me carrying all this to my room one at a time is out of the question.

I started to groan and fake cry while looking at all this stuff I'm gonna have to carry to my room sooner or later.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder which caused me to freeze for a second. Was I crying that loud?

"You look like you need some help." I hear a familiar voice behind me.

God is just never on my side, is he.

I then turned around to see Dylan with an amused smirk plastered on his face

Which, I have to admit made my knees give out for a second.

He has the same sexy/girlfriend stealer smirk from high school, some things never change.

"Thank you for the offer Mr.Kingston, but I am more than capable of carrying these stacks of papers back to my classroom." I said with confidence but on the inside I was wheezing like crazy.

"By the way you were crying, I would say otherwise. Plus I insist." He said and side stepped me to get to the papers.

"I see your smart mouth hasn't changed either." I mumbled.

"Can you repeat that." He said while turning around with all 4 stacks of the papers in his hand. Let me not before I piss him off and he takes his offer back.

I gave him a fake smile. "I said thank you for the help." Then I grabbed one of the stacks to make it easier for him.

I lead the way to my classroom. I occasionally looked back to see if he was okay or struggling but actually the total opposite was happening. He was carrying them like they were nothing.

When we got to my door I put the stack down and grabbed the key to the classroom from my pocket. I opened the door and went in first to turn on the lights, "You can put them on the table Mr.Kingston." I went back outside to get the stack I left on the floor and placed them on my desk.

"Thank you again Mr.Kingston for your can leave now." Damn I sound like an ass right now but me being in the same room with him makes me nervous.

"O-kay...but before I leave let me ask you a question." He said while crossing his arms and leaning on one of the student's desks.

"Make it quick, I'm a busy women Dyl- I mean Mr. Kingston."

He chuckled a little then got serious, "Okay, first thing first, I'm talking to you more personally then professionally now so please, call me Dylan."

"Okay, Dylan." Wow I haven't said that out loud in a while.

"Now that we got that out of the way, Keana, do you like me?"

(A/N cliffhangers are my favorite, promise guys it's not a dream this time 😉)




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